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发表于 2018-3-1 00:46:13
本帖最后由 林睿 于 2018-3-1 00:47 编辑
<Cell>Your Stamina regeneration will not slow down in combat, even on the weapon backswing.</Cell>
<Cell>Combat Conditioning</Cell>
<Cell>You've killed so many Cumans your reputation precedes you. Cumans fear you; they are 25% more likely to flee from combat with you. Your attacks against them will also be 50% more effective.</Cell>
<Cell>Cuman Slayer</Cell>
<Cell>While under the influence, your hand will shake 25% less and you'll gain +2 to your Bow skill, but while sober, your hand will shake 25% more.</Cell>
<Cell>When you beat your opponent in a clinch, you deal 10% more damage to their weapon. Damaged weapons are less effective and less valuable.</Cell>
<Cell>Dirty Fighting I</Cell>
<Cell>阴险招数 I</Cell>
<Cell>You cause 10% greater damage to your opponent's armour and equipment in combat.</Cell>
<Cell>Dirty Fighting II</Cell>
<Cell>阴险招数 II</Cell>
<Cell>Drunken Brawler</Cell>
<Cell>Whilst drunk, you are 25% more likely to dodge enemy attacks.</Cell>
<Cell>Drunken Marksman</Cell>
<Cell>Your attacks demand 10% less stamina but cause 5% less injury.<br/> <br/>Restrictions: Agility-based weapons</Cell>
<Cell>你攻击时消耗的耐力减少10%,但同时杀伤力减少5%。<br/> <br/>限制条件:只对敏捷型武器有效。</Cell>
<Cell>Fast Striker I</Cell>
<Cell>迅速再次攻击 I</Cell>
<Cell>Your attacks demand 20% less stamina but cause 10% less injury.<br/> <br/>Restrictions: Agility-based weapons</Cell>
<Cell>你攻击时消耗的耐力减少20%,但同时杀伤力减少10%。<br/> <br/>限制条件:只对敏捷型武器有效。</Cell>
<Cell>Fast Striker II</Cell>
<Cell>迅速再次攻击 II</Cell>
<Cell>Your attacks demand 30% less stamina but cause 15% less injury.<br/> <br/>Restrictions: Agility-based weapons</Cell>
<Cell>你攻击时消耗的耐力减少30%,但同时杀伤力减少15%。<br/> <br/>限制条件:只对敏捷型武器有效。</Cell>
<Cell>Fast Striker III</Cell>
<Cell>迅速再次攻击 III</Cell>
<Cell>You suffer 10% less injury from falling.</Cell>
<Cell>Featherweight I</Cell>
<Cell>身体轻盈 I</Cell>
<Cell>You suffer 25% less injury from falling.</Cell>
<Cell>Featherweight II</Cell>
<Cell>身体轻盈 II</Cell>
<Cell>You suffer 50% less injury from falling.</Cell>
<Cell>Featherweight III</Cell>
<Cell>身体轻盈 III</Cell>
<Cell>Blocking an opponent's strikes with a Shield costs them 10% more Stamina.</Cell>
<Cell>Firm Grip I</Cell>
<Cell>握牢 I</Cell>
<Cell>Blocking an opponent's strikes with a Shield costs them 20% more Stamina.</Cell>
<Cell>Firm Grip II</Cell>
<Cell>握牢 II</Cell>
<Cell>You gain a 10% greater chance to overpower your opponent in a clinch.</Cell>
<Cell>Grappling I</Cell>
<Cell>擒拿术 I</Cell>
<Cell>You gain a 25% greater chance to overpower your opponent in a clinch.</Cell>
<Cell>Grappling II</Cell>
<Cell>擒拿术 II</Cell>
<Cell>You gain a 50% greater chance to overpower your opponent in a clinch.</Cell>
<Cell>Grappling III</Cell>
<Cell>You gain a 10% greater chance of knocking out an opponent with a blow to the head.</Cell>
<Cell>Headcracker I</Cell>
<Cell>当头一击 I</Cell>
<Cell>You gain a 20% greater chance of knocking out an opponent with a blow to the head.</Cell>
<Cell>Headcracker II</Cell>
<Cell>当头一击 II</Cell>
<Cell>You gain a 30% greater chance of knocking out an opponent with a blow to the head.</Cell>
<Cell>Headcracker III</Cell>
<Cell>当头一击 III</Cell>
<Cell>You deal 5% more damage in combat.</Cell>
<Cell>Heavy Hands</Cell>
<Cell>Your attacks deal 10% more damage but cost 5% more Stamina.<br/> <br/>Restrictions: Strength-based weapons</Cell>
<Cell>你的攻击造成额外10%的伤害,但会额外消耗5%的耐力。<br/> <br/>限制条件:只对力量型武器有效。</Cell>
<Cell>Heavy Swing I</Cell>
<Cell>用力回摆攻击 I</Cell>
<Cell>Your attacks deal 20% more damage but cost 10% more Stamina.<br/> <br/>Restrictions: Strength-based weapons</Cell>
<Cell>你的攻击造成额外10%的伤害,但会额外消耗5%的耐力。<br/> <br/>限制条件:只对力量型武器有效。</Cell>
<Cell>Heavy Swing II</Cell>
<Cell>用力回摆攻击 II</Cell>
<Cell>Your attacks deal 30% more damage but cost 15% more Stamina.<br/> <br/>Restrictions: Strength-based weapons</Cell>
<Cell>你的攻击造成额外10%的伤害,但会额外消耗5%的耐力。<br/> <br/>限制条件:只对力量型武器有效。</Cell>
<Cell>Heavy Swing III</Cell>
<Cell>用力回摆攻击 III</Cell>
<Cell>You gain +3 Speech when talking to nobles and wealthy people.<br/> <br/>Incompatible: Lowborn</Cell>
<Cell>在和贵族和富人交流时,你会额外获得3点口才。<br/> <br/>无法共存:低贱出身</Cell>
<Cell>You gain +3 Charisma when talking to nobles and wealthy people.<br/> <br/>Incompatible: Gallant</Cell>
<Cell>在和贵族和富人交流时,你会额外获得3点魅力。<br/> <br/>无法共存:侠客</Cell>
<Cell>You gain +3 Badassness when talking to nobles and wealthy people.<br/> <br/>Incompatible: Minstrel</Cell>
<Cell>在和贵族和富人交流时,你会额外获得3点威吓效果。<br/> <br/>无法共存:吟游诗人</Cell>
<Cell>You gain +1 Strength XP when you pick herbs.</Cell>
<Cell>Leg Day</Cell>
<Cell>You are 50% quieter whilst in forests.</Cell>
<Cell>While drunk, you gain a 33% bonus to Speech and Charisma, but while hungover, these stats drop by 33%.</Cell>
<Cell>Loose Lips</Cell>
<Cell>You gain +3 Speech when talking to commoners.<br/> <br/>Incompatible: Highborn</Cell>
<Cell>在和平民百姓交流时,你会额外获得3点口才。<br/> <br/>无法共存:出身高贵</Cell>
<Cell>You gain +3 Charisma when talking to commoners.<br/> <br/>Incompatible: Thug</Cell>
<Cell>在和平民百姓交流时,你会额外获得3点魅力。<br/> <br/>无法共存:暴徒</Cell>
<Cell>You gain +3 Badassness when talking to commoners.<br/> <br/>Incompatible: Scoundrel</Cell>
<Cell>在和平民百姓交流时,你会额外获得3点威吓效果。<br/> <br/>无法共存:地方恶霸</Cell>
<Cell>You sprint 10% slower, but you can run farther by expending 10% less Stamina.<br/> <br/>Incompatible: Sprinter</Cell>
<Cell>你的冲刺速度减少10%,但你跑得更远,耐力消耗减少10%。<br/> <br/>无法共存:快速短跑</Cell>
<Cell>Marathon Man I</Cell>
<Cell>马拉松人 I</Cell>
<Cell>You sprint 20% slower, but you can run farther by expending 20% less Stamina.<br/> <br/>Incompatible: Sprinter</Cell>
<Cell>你的冲刺速度减少20%,但你跑得更远,耐力消耗减少20%。<br/> <br/>无法共存:快速短跑</Cell>
<Cell>Marathon Man II</Cell>
<Cell>马拉松人 II</Cell>
<Cell>You sprint 30% slower, but you can run farther by expending 30% less Stamina.<br/> <br/>Incompatible: Sprinter</Cell>
<Cell>你的冲刺速度减少30%,但你跑得更远,耐力消耗减少30%。<br/> <br/>无法共存:快速短跑</Cell>
<Cell>Marathon Man III</Cell>
<Cell>马拉松人 III</Cell>
<Cell>You can sprint and run 5% faster.</Cell>
<Cell>Natural Speed</Cell>
<Cell>You regenerate your stamina 10% quicker.</Cell>
<Cell>Physical Fitness</Cell>
<Cell>Your health will regenerate gradually. (0.001 health/s)</Cell>
<Cell>你的生命值会逐渐自动恢复 (0.001生命值/秒)</Cell>
<Cell>Revenant I</Cell>
<Cell>还魂 I</Cell>
<Cell>Your health will regenerate faster. (0.003 health/s)</Cell>
<Cell>你的生命值会逐渐自动恢复 (0.003生命值/秒)</Cell>
<Cell>Revenant II</Cell>
<Cell>还魂 II</Cell>
<Cell>Your health will regenerate much faster. (0.005 health/s)</Cell>
<Cell>你的生命值会逐渐自动恢复 (0.005生命值/秒)</Cell>
<Cell>Revenant III</Cell>
<Cell>还魂 III</Cell>
<Cell>Slightly increases the sight distance of Fast Travel, and you have a 10% greater chance to evade.</Cell>
<Cell>Scout I</Cell>
<Cell>侦查 I</Cell>
<Cell>Increases the sight distance of Fast Travel, and you have a 20% greater chance to evade.</Cell>
<Cell>Scout II</Cell>
<Cell>侦查 II</Cell>
<Cell>Greatly increases the sight distance of Fast Travel, and you have a 30% greater chance to evade.</Cell>
<Cell>Scout III</Cell>
<Cell>侦查 III</Cell>
<Cell>When looting corpses, you have a chance of finding more money.</Cell>
<Cell>Secret Pockets I</Cell>
<Cell>隐藏钱袋 I</Cell>
<Cell>When looting corpses, you have a greater chance of finding more money.</Cell>
<Cell>Secret Pockets II</Cell>
<Cell>隐藏钱袋 II</Cell>
<Cell>When looting corpses, you have an excellent chance of finding more money.</Cell>
<Cell>Secret Pockets III</Cell>
<Cell>隐藏钱袋 III</Cell>
<Cell>Sprinting is 10% faster but costs 10% more Stamina.<br/> <br/>Incompatible: Marathon Man</Cell>
<Cell>冲刺速度加快10%,但你的耐力消耗增加10%。<br/> <br/>无法共存:马拉松人</Cell>
<Cell>Sprinter I</Cell>
<Cell>快速短跑 I</Cell>
<Cell>Sprinting is 20% faster but costs 20% more Stamina.<br/> <br/>Incompatible: Marathon Man</Cell>
<Cell>冲刺速度加快20%,但你的耐力消耗增加20%。<br/> <br/>无法共存:马拉松人</Cell>
<Cell>Sprinter II</Cell>
<Cell>快速短跑 II</Cell>
<Cell>Sprinting is 30% faster but costs 30% more Stamina.<br/> <br/>Incompatible: Marathon Man</Cell>
<Cell>冲刺速度加快30%,但你的耐力消耗增加30%。<br/> <br/>无法共存:马拉松人</Cell>
<Cell>Sprinter III</Cell>
<Cell>快速短跑 III</Cell>
<Cell>Shooting your Bow is 5% more accurate.</Cell>
<Cell>Steady Aim I</Cell>
<Cell>稳定瞄准 I</Cell>
<Cell>Shooting your Bow is 10% more accurate.</Cell>
<Cell>Steady Aim II</Cell>
<Cell>稳定瞄准 II</Cell>
<Cell>Shooting your Bow is 15% more accurate.</Cell>
<Cell>Steady Aim III</Cell>
<Cell>稳定瞄准 III</Cell>
<Cell>You can easily overcome pain, strikes will wound you 5% less.</Cell>
<Cell>Street Fighter</Cell>
<Cell>Blocking an opponent's blows will cost you 20% less Stamina.</Cell>
<Cell>You bleed two times slower.</Cell>
<Cell>Thickblooded I</Cell>
<Cell>血液粘稠 I</Cell>
<Cell>You bleed three times slower.</Cell>
<Cell>Thickblooded II</Cell>
<Cell>血液粘稠 II</Cell>
<Cell>You have a 50% higher Reputation and +1 Speech when talking to women, and you can avail of bathwenches' services for free.</Cell>
<Cell>Poison applied to a weapon will last 25% longer.</Cell>
<Cell>Venomous Blade I</Cell>
<Cell>猛毒之刃 I</Cell>
<Cell>Poison applied to a weapon will last 50% longer.</Cell>
<Cell>Venomous Blade II</Cell>
<Cell>猛毒之刃 II</Cell>
<Cell>Your maximum stamina is increased by 10%.</Cell>
</Table> |