Welcome to Scollay Station, biggest pain in Downtown's ass this side of the Red Line. I came in a couple of weeks ago. It's a whole process; ya gotta know someone on the inside if you want to join up. I'd been out in the wastes for weeks (got myself booted from Pat Place just a few days before shit hit the fan there) so anything was looking good at that point. Knocked on the gate and wouldn't ya know, Madge O'Niall from down the street opened it up. Lemme tell ya, that was a sight. Girl sure didn't have no apron or cooking mitts. Looked like a fookin savage (I mean that in the best way possible).
欢迎来到斯科雷站,红色线最靠近市中心也是最大的地铁站。我几周之前加入的,入伙规矩如下:如果你想要加入的话,你必须在里面有人才行。我去捡垃圾已经好几周了(got myself booted from Pat Place just a few days before 麻烦大了) 所以现在我们什么都要。Knocked on the gate and wouldn't ya know, Madge O'Niall from down the street opened it up. Lemme tell ya, that was a sight. Girl sure didn't have no apron or cooking mitts. Looked like a fookin savage (I mean that in the best way possible).
got myself booted from Pat Place just a few days before shit hit the fan there:这句话说的是他犯了什么错,然后被惩罚了
欢迎来到斯科利站,下城区最大最繁忙的红线车站。我是几周前才来的。进站规矩如下:想入伙,你得先在里边认识人。我之前在废土流浪了好几周(在 Pat Place 全都乱套之前就被赶了出来),所以当时看来这里一切都好得很。你只管敲门,街角的玛姬·欧奈利心情好的话没准会给你开门。我跟你说啊,别看走眼了,这妮子不穿围裙的时候简直像尼玛野人一样(我是说好的那种野人你懂的)