发表于 2017-5-29 19:43:15
Uninstallation Process
1. Think VERY hard about whether you truly need to do this. If so, save your game now and if possible back it up externally.
2. Open the [AEC Uninstallation/Utility Holotape]. Make sure to read all information on your pipboy screen from this point on.
3. Select "Uninstallation: Check Settlements For AEC Modded Robots"
4. Select "Check Settlements"
5. Wait for the next screen to come up then exit your pipboy and wait for the completion notifications.
6. Visit each of your settlements and (if they aren't at settlements) wherever Codswoth, Curie and Ada are and any mod-added moddable robots and check that none of your bots have EyeBot Cores or Propulsion Systems attached (and if you gave any Combat Detection Modules, check for those too). Don't forget your provisioners!
7. Save your game, then open the Uninstallation/Utility holotape again, go to "Uninstallation: Uninstall Automatron EyeBot Companions". As a side note, don't run the uninstaller right after loading a game, wait at least 5 minutes (and avoid any eyebots getting into combat.
8: Read the instructions and warnings, then click "Uninstall".
9: Wait for the completion notification to appear, save your game and exit.
10: After exiting, DELETE Automatron EyeBot Companions - make sure to remove all of its files (especially the scripts).
11: Load up the game and check the workbench works correctly – menus work right, movement styles change correctly with different legs, parts that shouldn't be usable together aren't usable together.
If any of these things happen you'll have to revert to the save you made before using the uninstaller and try again, reading the instructions more carefully this time.