发表于 2020-7-1 19:53:02
M4 Sport (EFT-based)
Mainly shared to be used a resource for parts
Not recommended for a full playthrough cos it aint done, but do w/e you like. It wont break your game, just maybe crash at weapons workbench.
Textures will be missing, and no i will not be supporting this release. You can find the other m4/ar15 mods through the NP2 discord.
I do NOT want bug reports for this pls.
Saying that, have fun with what's currently done :)
Hard Requirements:
Ru556 by hyper
New RU556 animations from hyper's patreon (free, link is on hyper's nexus profile page, or google 'hyperx patreon f34r'
Modular AR-15 by violent nomad
Modular sa58 by violent nomad
Modular MPX beta
Ares Honeybadger Beta
Chopinwu's m4