发表于 2020-6-28 04:29:47
Version 1.11
-Removed the stray hair texture file.
-Made the GZ Nuka Galaxy exit door inaccessible, in preparation for the third mod.
-Fixed some reference errors.
Version 1.10
-Fixed the bug where if you did both Fair Trade quests out of order, you couldn't start the VNW Traders questline.
-Fixed the bug in the FDI Version where Francesca would assume that NIRA was destroyed when she wasn't.
-Implemented the failsafe trigger during Attacking The Exiles.
Version 1.09
-Recreated Quince99's clean tile material from scratch and packaged it into this mod.
-Put an "Out Of Order" sign in the clean Kiddie Kingdom Theatre.
-Made the Kiddie Kingdom Theatre owned by the Traders.
-Repaired the walls in the GZ Battlezone.
-Fixed the Kiddie Kingdom floors.
-Generated the precombines for the Beverageer's lab.
-Fixed the exit Battlezone door not taking you to and from the clean Battlezone.
-Added an OR condition that Francesca has been poisoned, so that you can still report to Henry.
-Made sure that Erica cannot have her crisis scene if you have done her quest before destroying the Institute.
-Changed the VNW start to trigger boxes, as this has proven to be more reliable.
Version 1.08
-Removed the debug option from Lucy's terminal as it took a long time for it to respond.
-Changed the Tairfield trigger to allow you to start the Traders and Exiles questlines, just based on you finishing NWR.
-Made sure that after you ousted Masha, you can continue to adventure with Claire in Nuka-World, even if you've made a deal with Masha beforehand.
-Removed the stray texture hair file.
Version 1.07
-Fixed errors which prevented some content working correctly in the FDI Version.
-Added the ability to start VNW through Lucy's terminal.
Version 1.06
-Fixed Francesca's faction settings.
-Fixed the bug that had Tanya not reward you for her quest.
-Fixed Jason claiming that Henry is dead, when he's not. |