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Lewd Animated SFM Main Menu Replacer 1.2 NMM edition.7z (350M)
About This File
FYI: The link for the latest version is listed as open?id=0B6XsUZF2ix4veFRMRFFLOXBFazA on the LL downloader and is hosted on google drives, if it doesn't work for some reason, the link is also in a post below.
Here's 6 19! sexy 1080p fallout 4 SFM loops to replace that boring old Main Menu.
I think I've included pretty much every 1080p FO4 SFM I could find (well, at least the ones that were competently animated) but as always if anyone has links to more just post them in the support thread and I will gladly update this to include them.
It's an NMM installer, so throw it in your mod manager of choice and select the loop you want for your menu.
Manually, you just have to pick the loop you want and put it in Data/Videos.
Old Description:
So here's a small thing I whipped up out of boredom an hour or so ago, It's a replacer for the Main Menu that uses an SFM loop by Xentho II, injecting a bit more sexiness to that irritating 5 second freeze you get while the Creation Club news loads after your fifth crash of the day.
I made this mostly because I liked the idea of this replacer, but due to the source video being sub-1080p it was distractingly low quality on my screen, so I went hunting for FO4 SFM webm's and this was the best I could find. Figured I'd release it just since there seems to only be two other sexy menu replacers out there.
It should install fine with NMM, otherwise you can just extract the 7z in the main game directory (you might want to back up the original).
If anyone has any other 1080p Fallout-themed sexy videos they would like converted, suggest them and post a link and I'll see what I can do.
What's New in Version 1.2
Released October 19, 2017
V1.2- 13 New Loops! Featuring Elizabeth from Bioshock, Piper and Nora.
v 1.1- Not just Piper anymore: Added 5 new loops and an NMM installer for easy switching.
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