作者介绍 “True Grass is an all-in-one lore-friendly grass, plant and flora overhaul to reshape the Fallout 4 landscape into something more wild, more diversified and more natural.
Grass, plants, ground textures and distant LODs have been redone. New grass types, flowers, plants or even some subtle mutated plants have been added. Landscapes now uses more color tons between green and browns with some occasional stronger color spots. Most of the vegetation types are different depending of the location.
FPS hit is minimal on my end, but just in case a performance ini file is also included within the TrueGrass download and should be located in the Fallout4/Data folder after installation, next to the esp: The ini setting file can be opened with any text editor and allows to set the foliage density.
True Grass is compatible with any mod altering trees only, but NOT with mods altering grass or plants !”