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本来想直接扔在Sim Settlements主贴里的,但是由于这个扩展插件比较特殊,需要详细介绍一下,于是就单独拿出来开贴了。
前置:Sim Settlements 3.2.0+
建造方法:建造普通工业地块 → 选择地块规划 → 选择IDEK物流站点 → 开始建造
-As of version 1.2.0, you can also tweak how your supply lines calculate by giving weights to specific supply routes. Under [Routing Settings], select [Add New Priority...], then follow the wizard to pick two locations and set them as either "Prioritized" or "Deprioritized". Prioritized routes will almost always be chosen, regardless of distance, and deprioritized routes will probably never be chosen. For any priorities not manually specified, the supply line algorithm will take care of the rest.
-想让你的农场成为农场,城市保持城市?现在你可以做到!处于物流网络中的据点会自动分配多余的资源,效率比标准补给线更高。所有你需要担心的事情只是总网络食物和水源产出(可以在任何物流终端机中快速查看)来有效的支持整个网络中的人口,无论你的资源出产地在什么位置,你的居民都会很高兴 - 此外,它们不会尝试优先使用你的稀有食物资源。
-为了给玩家提供方便,所有站点都包括一个物流锁箱。要设置它,只需要激活任何站点的物流锁箱并获得物流仓库指示器。接下来,把该装置放置到任何安全的容器中 - 最理想的是据点的工坊工作台,或者其他你手动放置在据点某处的容器 - 之后就完成了。你现在可以通过任何站点的任何物流锁箱来使用这个容器。可以避免长时间的快速旅行 - 如果你使用生存模式,花费的时间将更长 - 现在你只需要回到喜欢的据点并放下战利品即可。
As of version 1.2.0, an auto-donation function is included. This will take resources from your Logistics Storage container, and donate them to each settlement in your network.
To set this up, you must first designate a Logistics Storage container, which is where donable items will be pulled from. Then, under [Donation Settings], choose a default setting for all stations, or you can configure this on a per-settlement basis if you desire (local settings will override the global setting).
For food, your options are "Disabled", "Farmable", and "Any":
Disabled, as you might imagine, will prevent any food from being donated.
Farmable uses a smart system that will only donate farmable foods, and will weight which foods get donated depending on how many of them you have. For example, if you have 800 corn, 180 tatoes and 20 tarbarries, for each unit of food to be donated, it has an 80% chance to pick a piece of corn, 18% for tatoes and 2% for tarberries.
You also have the option of choosing between the "conservative" and "exhaustive" lists of what are considered to be farmable foods, where the conservative list will only use totally vanilla farmables, and the exhaustive list will use anything that's remotely crop-like, including things like Brain Fungus, Hubflower, Silt Beans and so on. This setting is configurable under [Miscellaneous Settings].
Lastly, you can set this to use any food, which is a substantially less smart system that will just pick out anything that can be consumed, unweighted and in a random order.
For Water, you have the options of:
Disabled, of course
Purified Water
Dirty Water
Any Water (as with food, it'll pick out anything vaguely water-like, unweighted and in a random order)
Currently only food and water is supported, however I plan to include caps for maintenance costs in a future version.
-[取消本地供应者分配]这个功能会彻底清空与这个据点关联的所有补给线,包括由于原版bug导致(供应者会被重置,其补给线会永久卡住)被卡住的补给线。这些供应者关联的任何工作物体 - 比如物流站点 - 也会被取消分配。
This mod also includes a few handy tools that you can craft at a City Planner's Desk:
Settlement Creation Kit - this is just a pre-defined bundle of components, which includes just enough resources to make a City Planner's Desk, a medium generator, a recruitment beacon, and enough foundations to stick a Logistics Station plot onto. Created because i could never remember which or how many resources to take to set these things up. Note that, to prevent free experience exploits, you can only craft one of these every 12 game-hours.
Summon Provisioners: An aid item that works like the Town Meeting Gavel, yet only summons active provisioners at your current settlement.
Summon Homeless
Summon Jobless
Added a system to give you a little manual control over where supply line routing goes (for any two locations, you can configure the network calculation algorithm to either prioritize or deprioritize a route between them, so you can guarantee that a particular route either will or will not be taken)
Added an improvised terminal to unbuilt, level 0 building plans; level 0 stations will now have poor resource efficiency, and won't include a locker, but you'll get a supply line connection to the rest of your network before the level 1 building is finished now (this is mostly intended to make the SS "realistic build times" setting less painful)
Added an option to include alcohol & chems in the auto-collection routine
Added an auto-donation feature, which will keep local city food and water reserves topped off with resources from Logistics Storage when enabled
Fixed a bug that would occasionally cause deleted logistics terminals to explode, and added a recipe for scrapping existing exploded terminals
Added a few miscellaneous tools, craftable at a City Planner's Desk:
- Settlement Creation Kit: think more OG GECK and not magical FO3 GECK, this is a utility item that only serves as a bundle of components for setting up a City Planner's Desk, a medium generator, a recruitment beacon, and enough foundations to stick a Logistics Station plot on (because I could never remember exactly what components I needed to take with me for these things)
- Three aid items: Summon Homeless Settlers, Summon Unemployed Settlers, and Summon Provisioners, which work basically the same as the Town Meeting Gavel, except only on those specific classes of settlers
Tweaked both building plans so that, with clutter disabled in your performance options, the "big clutter" objects will only spawn in as the least detailed possible variants, instead of nothing spawning at all.
Tagged the base plot building models so that you can manually place things on top of them, instead of the the thing trying to clip into the floor or whatever.
Fixed an issue where Logistics Stations would be removed from the network if they remotely upgraded or refreshed, and they would not re-add themselves until you visited the settlement (caused by me making a mistake in some Sim Settlements 3.2.0+ compatibility code)
Reduced the cooldown on crafting Settlement Creation Kits from 12 game-hours to 10 seconds (there's still technically an infinite exp exploit here, but it's inconvenient enough that I doubt anyone would bother)
- Tweaked Provisioner renaming (new mode is enabled by default)
- Added Salvage Beacons integration (disabled by default)
Both of the new features can be configured under [Miscellaneous Settings]
This version was only a couple of betas and changes were rolled into v1.2.3 (needed to bump the version number so some update code would run for users who tried the betas)
Added a new "mode" for provisioners that will prevent them from being unassigned from their work objects when UFO4P is installed (config under Misc. Settings); this mode will automatically be switched to from the default if UFO4P is detected
Fixed a bug where descriptively named provisioners' names would tend to get stuck even after reassignment
Logistics Lockers should now function over vanilla supply lines provided that those supply lines, at some point, connect to a settlement with an active Logistics Station
A small compatibility tweak for Conquest settlements, these settlements will now allow you to build the "interior" kind of locker that doesn't check for supply line connections (supply lines still won't, and can't, work with these settlements)
Fixed a few minor issues with the update script (any potential problems with existing saves should sort themselves out after you update)
Fixed a bug where multiple sets of Logistics Lockers could be visible in the same settlement if that settlement had a certain unusual keyword arrangement
(1.2.3->1.2.3a) Ensured that provisioners who are using the new assignment mode properly properly have their provisioner/supply line data cleared when they are unassigned from a station
(1.2.3a->1.2.3b) Fixed a bug where Logistics Lockers would not work in exactly one of your networked settlements because of an oversight in the connectivity check
(1.2.3a->1.2.3b) Made some tweaks so that deleted objects (terminals, powered ceiling fans) should stop running useless code and occasionally causing log spam (because the game engine only extremely rarely actually cleans up deleted objects for some stupid reason)