发表于 2017-12-1 00:11:48
好心人 请汉化一下 出处吧!!!
Catalyst AAS Shotgun: Super Duper Mart
CBJ-MS PDW: Nailgun found in building near Murkwater Construction Site
Nails can be crafted or found in Leveled Lists.
CBJ-MS found in Park Street Station
CBJ-MS also found in Leveled Lists.
Chiappa Triple Threat: Combat Zone in front locked room
Glock P80: Dig Site in Goodneighbor, in the room that has a Mirelurk King
Jaguar MSX LMG: Ivan's Diner (The Diner outside of the Castle)
LK-05 Carbine: National Guard Training Yard
Modular Kalash: Gunners Plaza Basement
SCAR-LK Assault Rifle: Fort Strong
Desert Eagle: Wreck of the FMS Northern Star
M1911A1: Corvega Assembly Plant
M2019 PKD Detective Special: On top of the Mass Fusion Containment Shed. You have to climb a pipe to get up there.
MAC-11 Machine Pistol: Back Street Apparel
Rhino M1 Revolver: Quincy Police Station |