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如题 原地址 NUKA RIDE 6.6 | Patreon
- New Hard Requirement: Rohzima Animations
- New Soft Requirement: Facial Tints Script
- New Soft Requirement: Nezzar's Ultimate Collection (CBBEor FG). At the moment I only use the Babydoll on one occasion, but I may use other options later on. It isn't a very important soft.
- NR 6.6.0 also uses an old soft requirement, but I put it here in case someone doesn't have it: Plug of the Commonwealth (slot 56).
- All the missing quests are now finished, but we still need to link it to the Audition and the rest of the mod, which is what I will proceed to do these days.
- Load a save after you've won the final mission and the mod should auto-update with a new objective (go sleep in your bed in Seven Bar).
- As always, the canonical route is "pup" character + virgin. I haven't fully tested the other routes so if anyone finds strange things like out of place dialogue or bugs, I'll check them out.
About Facial Tints (the soft requirement)
- It's disabled by default. I like it in Slavers, it's messy, but not so much in NR. You can enabled in the MCM, AAF Section.
- Every time there is a spanking scene in Nora's Route or certain sex scenes, the girl's makeup will be ruined too.
- The body cleansing kit will now remove the ruined makeup.
- Using this mod made me realize that so many body cleansing kits are no longer enough, so I put an infinite one in the apartment, Golden Globes and Seven Bar, which are immovable.
- Added a new option in the MCM, AAF section. By default the character will make an expression of enjoyment during her orgasms, block/disable it in the MCM.
- Added crawling animation, both standing and in sneak mode. There are two quests that use it in this update, they are the new quests "Maid of Steel" and "Raider Queen". In sneak mode you won't be able to steal.
Added two new travel points for the Vespa. In front of Nisha's base and in front of the Nuka Town Apartment, which will be used for repeatable missions. The Vespa now uses the "MoveTo" script, and not "FastTravel". This means that instead of taking 6 ingame hours to get from Nuka Town to tje Pit Stop, it will take no time at all. I have a new quest to go around the whole Nuka World in the Vespa and that can't last two and a half days.
Added the final quests:
- New Repeatable Quest: "Seven Bar". Talk to Katelyn to help Sophie with her chores in Seven Bar and then puts on a show for the customers.
- New Repeatable Quest. "Nuka Love". Special classes with Patti and Dallas.
- New Repeatable Quest. "Maid of Steel": Work as a maid for Captain Larsen and help him in his private party. Larsen is accesible as a posible lover in this quest.
- New Repeatable Quest. "Poker Night": After working as a maid, you can accept the invitation to go to the Captain's private party.
- New Repeatable Quest: "Sophie's Wardrobe". For the Poker night you must invite Sophie and help her decide between 8 outfits.
- New Repeatable Quest: "A Jean's and T-Shirt Kind of Girl". You can ask Sophie to return to the farm and help the grandparents. Here you can start both "Farm Chores" and/or "The Wasteland has crazy sunrises". Once you finish any of them and say goodbye, a random beast (Deathclaw, Nukalurk Queen or a Behemot) will attack the farm and you must decide whether to help the gramps or run away with Sophie.
- New Repeatable Quest: "Raider Queen". Talk to the Overboss to finish his training. I still can't believe what I have managed to do in this quest. 😵‍💫
- I introduced a new mechanich in "Raider Queen". The OB is gonna teach the girl how to use an enema before having anal sex. After that, there will be three enemas in Nuka World where the girl must use to get the "Clean" status, before having anal sex with the OB.
- The "Clean" status lasts for 24 hours (configurable in the MCM), after that time, the player must use an enema again before having anal sex with the OB.
- This is also where the Overboss allowances start. You can configure how many caps he will give the girl, and after how many hours he will do it (default: 100 caps every 48 hours). You must have your credit card in your inventory.
- New Repeatable MiniQuest: Talk to Dr. Hank in the Seven Bar if you want to get braces. There are four colors of braces to choose from: pink, fuchsia, violet and multicolor.
- Install Distinctive Teeth if you want. For the bracets to be more noticeable.
- Added a new radio. "Seven Bar Radio", with some commercials (with soul-less elevenlabs female voice) and all the 6.5 new songs. This radio is unlocked during "Seven Bar".
- Flat Earther has paid to put propaganda about the flat earth between songs.
- During the hunt, Brett is accessible as a lover:
- If the character isn't virgin, they can fuck.
- If the character is virgin + Overboss's pup, there'll be other options, like anal fingerfucking.
- But if the character has 100 points in anal training, there'll be anal sex.
- If the character is virgin and not Overboss's pup, the character can lose her virginity to Brett.
- Also, during the hunt, you will have to hunt one of three random "small beasts". A molerat (the molerat alerts two more molertas upon death), a radbunny or a mirelurk hatchling. The latter two seem a bit buggy too, but the MCM cheat manages to fix it.
- In "Seven Bar" Quest, you must deliver 15 beers to any NPC in Nuka World. They'll accept or reject randomly.
- You can just give the beer to them (50% effectiveness)
- You can flirt with them (100% effective but you need +75 Innuendo, otherwise is 0%)
- You can threaten them. You'll not be able to threat Disciples. It's easier to threat people in the Truck Stop. In others places (Nuka Town, Kiddie Kingdom, Hubologist Camp) is more difficult for the threat to slip through. Every successful threat gives you +1 Guts.
- But you can also give beers to these characters, who have 100% sucessful rate.
- Dara
- Nisha
- Mason
- Oswald
- Brett
- Monique
- Flat Earther
- Once you have 100 points in all three stats (4 stats if you are Overboss Pup), go talk to Dara. Dara will give the final shot to start the Audition. I have put a "Save here, the content reaches this far" message so you can save.
- There is a little dynamic with the outfits. Like the maid outfit for the apartment chores, to go to the farm, Sophie will ask you to wear farm clothes first. To work at Seven Bar, Katelyn will ask you to wear the bar uniform. To train with the Overboss, he will demand the pup outfit. Do not greet him in farm clothes.
- There are three NPCs that the girl can have sex with IF she want to. They are Brett Dunmore, Keyshawn and Captain Larsen. But in the "Pup" + "Virgin" route, she will stop at the last moment and remember that she can't do it because the Overboss already order her to stay virgin. She'll be able to have fun with them, but without vaginal sex.
- Added a new outfit, "Larsen Outfit", with heels and a new collar. Download the new version of Bodyslide.
- The mechanic of cleaning the apartment have changed a little. Now we'll also have to clean the pool and do some basic gardening. Additionally, to do those tasks you'll have to equip yourself with brooms, a hoe, and even rubber gloves.
- Since you win the final mission (Crush of Steel) Sophie will have what was previously just a wig as natural hair. She will clarify it on occasion. (Meaning, no more wig/hair bug).
Fixes and tweaks
- Killed the random quests that put random enemies in Nuka World. But they will be functional again if for some reason you want to kill Nuka Ride and play the DLC-.
- Removed all pre-combines and VIS files from the interiors at Izzy's suggestion.
- Removed patches for CWSS and BYOP in detriment of Izzy's patches.
- I included a mesh of Kali's whip refined by Izzy.
- The buttplug always activated ("It hurts to sit with the buttplug in!") if you went into any furniture (workbenches, even the spots where the protagonist sweeps/washes silverware are considered furniture). So I applied a filter so that the buttplug only "hurts" in seats.
- The final fight has changed conditions. You'll be able to convince Ryder to cease hostilities even if you haven't won the nightmares. Winning the nightmare unlock the rhymes.
- Fixed a bug that caused the garden's bubbles to not be removed correctly.
- As you enter Kiddie Kingdom you have this giant spinning wheel where the BOS and sometimes Sophie get tangled up. I decided to stop it. It will be activated again when the electricity returns to Nuka World.
- The sufoccation collar should works on NPCs, although you can only obtain it using ESP Explorer at the moment.
- A request from an user: if you do your nails for the first time in the Seven Bar (when you wear the Seven Bar Outfit for the first time), grandma will catch your painted nails, during the dinner at the farm. It's just a small scene but it gives a nice touch.
- Another request: the protagonist should remember going to an Oswald show in the prewar era. It's only possible during "Truck Stop Party". If you mention it to him, he will give you his legendary outfit.
When you're outside the vault 111 and you chat with Duke, you'll find during the dialogue the option where you must define yourself as Nora, or on the contrary, a young girl.
It has two conditions, or the dialog won't come up. ❗
- Commonwealth Slavers shouldn't be installed. In Commonwealth Slavers, the slavers kill Duke, so....
- You must be near Vault 111.
Note that this was intended to be my third quest mod but for personal reasons I decided to put it in NR. The story has a different focus, so I did a bit of "juggling" to fit it into NR. The dynamic is different so if you expect a lot of sex I don't recommend it.
Full list of requirements ![](https://static.loverslab.com/resources/emoticons/strawberry.png)
Hard Requirements
Soft Requirements
- French Maid FO4 (CBBE or Fusion Girl) - For maid quests. Otherwise, the mod will use the vanilla wastelander dress. Very important soft requirement. ❗Better if you have the version without physics.
- Facial Tints Script. I love this mod for Commonwealth Slavers, but I don't quite get it if I like it for Nuka Ride. Install it if you want and enable in the MCM, AAF Section. Is disabled by default.
- Vioxis Strap-Ons. For lesbian scenes or Dallas' training.
- Nezzar's Ultimate Collection (CBBEor FG). At the moment I only use the Babydoll on one occasion, but I may use other options later on. It isn't a very important soft.
- Maibatsu Piercing Collection (CBBEor Fusion Girl Version). Note for FG: I only provide a link with the bodyslide files, you still need theoriginal mod.
- LooksMenu Body Tattoos - For Keyshawn's new tattoos. If you don't have this one, then Keyshawn won't have any tattoos.
Recommended Mods
- Distinctive Teeth to make the braces more noticeable.
- Start Me Up Redux- While not mandatory, Nuka Ride includes a patch for "Start Me Up" if you want to play as a non-vanilla character. With that mod, all those dialogues about "I'm looking for my son" in vanilla quests are replaced. So when you start a new game and you don't want to play as Nora, install Start Me Up, and my patch will guide you to create your character.
- A weather mod like ClearWeatherOnly. For some reason Dunmore Farm gets a lot of radioactive storms and it's not fun.
- Player Voice Frequency Slider, if you play with a young character.
- I added a new set of Nuka Ride Randoms Main Menus. Now there are 8.
- I've got Wood Too - It's just aesthetic. To vary the vanilla colors of the furnitures/apartment/houses.
- I know I recommend "Textures and preset collection for the girls" but some specular and normal textures have problems -causing some male characters to have no eyebrows, for example-., so I will stop recommending it. I uploaded to Mega a version of mine with some nice facial textures and eyebrows. It's called "Nuka Ride Textures for the Girls". Use it if you want. The textures are not mine but I will credit them in the folder.
Some Cheats to help testers
[color=rgb( var(--theme-text_color) )] Hide contents
Set _NR_Stats_Anal to 100 Set _NR_Stats_Innuendo to 100 Set _NR_Stats_Guts to 100 Set _NR_Stats_Diligence to 100
Set _NR_OverbossBitch to 1 (Overboss Pup) Set _NR_OverbossBitch to 0 (No Overboss Pup)
Set _NR_Virgin_Global to 1 (Virgin) Set _NR_Virgin_Global to 0 (No Virgin)