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你想要一个宠物速龙吗?有些恐龙有先进的智力。 Ever wanted a pet velociraptor? Some dinosaurs have advanced intellect. 它们都有各种大小的蛋。 All of them lay eggs of various sizes. 有些恐龙是有羽毛的,而有些不是。为了给“侏罗纪公园”一种感觉,恐爪龙被添加为一种没有羽毛的、更大的迅猛龙,尽管前者的属性可能在科学上是不准确的。不幸的是,这些都不是可剪的。 Some dinosaurs are drawn feathered, while others aren't. To give a "Jurassic Park" feel, the deinonychus was added as a featherless, and larger velociraptor, although the former property is probably scientifically inaccurate. None of them are shearable though, unfortunately. 色彩不是真实的,灵感来自于其他艺术家的素描。 Colorings are not meant to be realistic and inspirations have been drawn from other artist's sketches. 所有的生物在不同的生物群落中自然产生。 All spawn naturally in various different biomes. 只有三角龙的角和雷克斯霸王龙的头骨是外来的物品。可能包括剑龙尾尖刺或迅猛龙羽毛作为额外的物品。 Only the Triceratops horns and the Tyrannosaurus Rex skull drop as exotic items. May include the stegosaurus tail spikes or velociraptor feathers as additional items.
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