发表于 2024-3-21 22:36:15
以下模組是跟CS 任務有衝突!! 如需要玩請對應一下樓主的整合包有沒有以上的喔
Zetans - Alien Invaders in the Commonwealth
Scavers Closet
Knockout Framework
Sexual Harrasment (Suspending all approaches in the MCM works just fine)
Boston Breeder
Sentinel Control System Companion (Creation Club)
Combat Drones
Assimilation ( Just make sure you turn off the assimilation chances to 0% so you don't get sucked away to service another faction)
Combat stalkers, More enemies, Npc travels.
Hangman's Alley Modification - Modifies Diamond City's navmeshes.
Recruitable Settlers
Crime and Punishment - Break the scenes in the security office.
Gun for Hire
Diamond City Interiors Redone (D.C.I.R.) - nav meshes and moved walls
Diamond City Outskirts - settlers outside the city will be killed by Gristle. DC Guards will just watch so it's not game breaking.
Children of Ug-Qualtoth |