发表于 2022-10-28 19:58:04
"0000","+","DLC:Wasteland Workshop"
"0001","+","DLC:Vault-Tec Workshop"
"0003","+","DLC:Far Harbor"
"0004","+","DLC:Contraptions Workshop"
"0006","+","【补丁】Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch"
"0008","+","【人物】Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Enhancer -CBBE-"
"0009","+","【人物】Skeletal Adjustments for CBBE - Knee Fix"
"0010","+","【人物】Cbbe Fx Plus Re-Dux"
"0011","+","【人物】HD Smile Teeth"
"0012","+","【人物】BodySlide and Outfit Studio"
"0014","+","【人物】Looks Menu Customization Compendium"
"0015","+","【人物】Eye Normal Map Fix Fallout 4 Edition"
"0016","+","【人物】Unfair Skin"
"0018","+","【人物】Wasteland Salon - Hair Texture Improvement Mod"
"0019","+","【人物】deLuxe Makeup Eye Liner Masks"
"0020","+","【人物】deLuxe Makeup Lip Liner Mask"
"0021","+","【人物】Extended Facial Sculpting - now with 90 percent less beta"
"0022","+","【人物】HiPoly Faces REDUX - Seamless Kit (CBBE-TWB)"
"0023","+","【人物】Female Sexy Sitting and Standing Animation Replacer"
"0024","+","【人物】Female Neck Tweaks"
"0025","+","【人物】Settler and Companion Dialogue Overhaul"
"0026","+","【人物】Hot Mama Settlers and Bandits"
"0027","+","【人物】Npc Merge"
"0028","+","【环境】Ultra Exterior Lighting"
"0029","+","【环境】Ultra Interior Lighting"
"0030","+","【环境】ELFX - Enhanced Lights and FX"
"0031","+","【环境】ELFX and ULR merged patch"
"0032","+","Sprint Reload"
"0033","+","3rd person ADS style standalone Animations"
"0036","+","Classic Radiation Poisoning 2 v1.1"
"0038","+","【UI】FallUI - Map2"
"0039","+","【UI】FallUI - Sleep And Wait"
"0040","+","【UI】FallUI - Confirm Boxes"
"0041","+","【UI】FallUI - Workbench"
"0042","+","【UI】FallUI - Workbench - Simplified Chinese Translation"
"0043","+","【UI】FallUI Item Sorter - Tag Configuration"
"0044","+","【UI】DEF_UI Iconlibs Rescaled and Fixed"
"0045","+","【UI】Immersive HUD - iHUD"
"0046","+","【UI】Chinese - Immersive HUD - iHUD"
"0047","+","【UI】FallUI - Icon Library"
"0049","+","【UI】FallUI - Inventory3"
"0050","+","【UI】Wheel Menu Continued"
"0052","+","【UI】0_WheelMenu.UI Remastered2"
"0053","+","【UI】0_WheelMenu.UI Remastered3"
"0054","+","【UI】FIS - The NEW FallUI Item Sorter2"
"0055","+","【UI】FIS - The NEW FallUI Item Sorter (Chinese)"
"0056","+","【UI】FallUI - HUD2"
"0057","+","【UI】Extended Dialogue Interface"
"0058","+","【UI】Power Armor HoloHUD"
"0060","+","【UI】Modern minimal HUD - FallUI Preset"
"0062","+","【UI】MCM Booster"
"0063","+","Supplementary Weapon Icon Library for FIS"
"0065","+","【天气】NAC X Legacy+TWEAKS1.0.1+Fallout2287patch"
"0066","+","【天气】NAC X Rain Splash Killer"
"0067","+","【环境】Real Water HD for ENB 2"
"0068","+","【环境】Better Nuke Explosion Lighting"
"0069","+","【环境】Better Landscape Grass"
"0070","+","【环境】Visible Galaxy 4k and Framework"
"0071","+","【环境】Visible Galaxy 4K - Flickering Fix"
"0072","+","【环境】Fallout Texture Overhaul Stars"
"0073","+","【环境】Sunlight Alignment Tweak - Better Dawn and Dusk"
"0074","+","【环境】Terrain Undersides - 2 Million Sunblock"
"0075","+","【材质】Burning Fusion Core blue"
"0076","+","【材质】Smoke And Flames Enhanced"
"0078","+","【材质】Smoke Visibility Options烟雾能见度选项"
"0080","+","【粒子】Burst Impact Blast FX 9.5"
"0081","+","【材质】Retextured Chems v.2 - Ephla's Unique Chems"
"0082","+","【材质】Retextured Terminals - by Ben Ephla"
"0083","+","【材质】Glass Glare Fix"
"0084","+","【材质】强袭者Assaultron HD"
"0085","+","【材质】HD Moon with Phases"
"0086","+","【材质】More Natural Dogmeat Eyes"
"0087","+","【材质】FO4 SUN"
"0088","+","【材质】Modern Clear Purified water"
"0089","+","【材质】Abraxo to Ariel - Retexture"
"0090","+","【材质】BH Combat Knife Replacer - Ka-Bar Fighting Knife"
"0091","+","Hot Magazines Replacer 2021"
"0092","+","Hot Magazines Replacer 2021 2"
"0093","+","PERFORMANCE Bloody Realistic"
"0094","+","xrayys better ivy vines01 tex 4k"
"0096","+","【建造】Place Everywhere"
"0097","+","【建造】Faster Wind Generator"
"0098","+","【建筑】IDEK's Logistics Station 2 CN2"
"0099","+","【建造】Workshop Framework"
"0100","+","【建造】Workshop Framework - Chinese"
"0101","+","【建造】Shadow lights for Wasteland Workshop"
"0103","+","【建造】Power Boxes Standalone2"
"0104","+","【建造】Locksmith - Lock Your Doors 'n' Containers"
"0105","+","【建造】Cleaner Concrete (WWE)"
"0106","+","【建造】Fully Concrete Foundation - Solid No Mesh"
"0107","+","【建造】Less Repetitive Concrete - Carports and Foundations"
"0108","+","【建造】Clean Warehouses"
"0112","+","【建造】Homemaker - Expanded Settlements"
"0121","+","【建造】Scrap Everything"
"0125","+","【游戏性】Reasonable Scrapping cn"
"0126","+","【游戏性】Radiation are not a joke"
"0127","+","【游戏性】Vertibird Jump"
"0128","+","【补丁】Classic Holstered Weapons System (CHW)"
"0129","+","【补丁】No Bethesda and S.P.E.C.I.A.L Intro"
"0130","+","【补丁】Bullet Counted Reload System (BCR)"
"0131","+","【补丁】Mod Configuration Menu"
"0132","+","【补丁】Address Library for F4SE Plugins"
"0133","+","【补丁】Survival Options"
"0134","+","【补丁】Better Console - F4SE"
"0135","+","【补丁】Realistic Ragdoll Force"
"0136","+","【补丁】No NPC Comments"
"0137","+","【补丁】Sprint Stuttering Fix"
"0138","+","【补丁】Fallout Priority - f4se plugin"
"0139","+","【核冬天】辐射 2287 核冬天+Nuclear Winter - NAC.X Patch"
"0140","+","【核冬天】Fallout 2287 Gas Masks of the Wasteland+NW patch"
"0141","+","【核冬天】Fallout 2287 - Gas Masks of the Wasteland - MCM Settings Menu"
"0142","+","【核冬天】SC - Gas Masks of the Wasteland - Optional"
"0143","+","【核冬天】SC - Gas Masks of the Wasteland - Scripts"
"0147","+","【材质】Remove Ugly Flat Trash"
"0148","+","【材质】Remove 3D Debris"
"0149","+","【环境】Vivid Fallout - All in One"
"0151","+","【环境】High Resolution Texture Pack 2K and 4K - Valius"
"0152","+","【环境】Perfect landscape by Pfuscher"
"0153","+","【夏天】Pine Forest Redone"
"0154","+","【环境】True Grass"
"0156","+","【核冬天】Stimpaks help you breathe"
"0157","+","【核冬天】Immersive Animation Framework"
"0158","+","【核冬天】Condition Boy - Now with Condition Girl2"
"0160","+","【核冬天】MAIM 2.00 en"
"0161","+","【核冬天】Russian Stimpack Replacer"
"0162","+","【核冬天】Craft All The Drugs种植"
"0163","+","【核冬天】MRE - Meal Ready to Eat - New Food"
"0164","+","【核冬天】Campsite - Simple Wasteland Camping"
"0165","+","【生存】Dirty Water from Pumps"
"0166","+","【生存】移除动力甲Looted Power Armor Frames"
"0167","+","【生存】Hunter of the Commonwealth2"
"0168","+","【生存】Realistic Loot Overhaul 2022 Edition"
"0170","+","【装备】Tactical Reload Framework"
"0171","+","【装备】Equipment and Crafting Overhaul (ECO)"
"0172","+","【装备】The Fantastic Forty Four"
"0173","+","【装备】Dpillari's Institute Suite"
"0174","+","【装备】Power Armor Frame Retextured 4K"
"0175","+","【装备】超晶石动力甲Ultracite Power Armor"
"0176","+","【装备】Better Power Armor - RepairTest"
"0177","+","【装备】Unzipped Vault Suit - CBBE - Bodyslide - AWKCR"
"0179","+","【装备】See Through Scopes - MCM Settings Menu"
"0180","+","【装备】PMC 3.0"
"0181","+","【装备】PMC CBBE Uniboob Bodyslide"
"0182","+","【装备】PMC Glowmaps"
"0183","+","【装备】PMC Fast Helmet Functional NVG"
"0184","+","【装备】PMC FAST Helmet Flashlight"
"0185","+","【装备】战术平板Tactical Tablet"
"0186","+","【装备】HK USP - Pistol CN"
"0187","+","【装备】HK-MP5 CN"
"0188","+","【装备】Projectile Rocket Launcher"
"0189","+","【装备】Accelerator Plasma Energy Weapon"
"0190","+","【装备】SIG MCX - Assault Rifle"
"0191","+","【装备】SIG MCX - Materials Pack"
"0192","+","【装备】SIG MCX Armory Project CN"
"0193","+","【装备】Mossberg 500 Pump-Action Shotgun2"
"0194","+","【装备】Mossberg 500 - Update2"
"0195","+","【装备】Mossberg 500 - Custom skin package"
"0196","+","【装备】Mossberg 500 Sound Overhaul"
"0197","+","【装备】Remington Model 700"
"0198","+","【装备】Remington 700 - Alternate Sounds"
"0199","+","【装备】Remington Model 700 - Hunting Rifle Replacer"
"0200","+","【装备】Remote Explosives - C4 with Detonators and More"
"0201","+","【装备】Chinese - Remote Explosives - C4 with Detonators and More"
"0203","+","【装备】Creation Club - Modular Military Backpack REDUX"
"0204","+","【装备】T-13 BEANO Baseball Grenade Replacer"
"0205","+","【装备】MW Krueger"
"0206","+","【装备】MW-Krueger - Raiders Replacer"
"0207","+","【装备】BOCW Outfit Pack2"
"0208","+","【装备】BOCW Outfit Pack - Gunners Replacer"
"0209","+","【装备】MW2R 现代战争暗影连队Shadow Company"
"0210","+","【装备】MW2R - Shadow Company - BOS Replacer"
"0212","+","【装备】MW - M91"
"0213","+","【装备】Wattz Laser Gun"
"0216","+","【声音】No more hammering"
"0217","+","【声音】MAC (Modern Audio Collection)"
"0218","+","【声音】Sievert radiation Sound"
"0220","+","【声音】Cinematic Sounds - Leveling"
"0221","+","【声音】Smart interface sounds"
"0222","+","【声音】Project Reality Footsteps FO4"
"0223","+","【声音】Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul"
"0224","+","【声音】JSRS Sound Mod for Fallout 4"
"0227","+","【声音】STALKER UI sound replacer"
"0228","+","【声音】Fallout 4 S.T.A.L.K.E.R PDA quest sound replacer"
"0231","+","【声音】Double Ass Main Menu Replacer With Lewd Song"
"0232","+","【声音】Lost World - Immersive Soundtrack Replacer"
"0233","+","【声音】No Combat Music"
"0234","+","【声音】JSRS Movement Sounds"
"0236","+","【装备】NRAW - NitroReaper's Advanced Warfare (Common Files)"
"0237","+","【装备】Biohazard Suit Redux生化危机防护服 已汉化"
"0238","+","【装备】NRAW - Advanced Warfare MORS"
"0239","+","【装备】AK400 - Assault Rifle"
"0240","+","【装备】MK18 CQBR"
"0241","+","【装备】MK18 Armory Project"
"0242","+","【装备】MK18 Deluxe"
"0243","+","【装备】BH SIG MCX Spear NGSW - Assault Rifle"
"0244","+","【装备】BH MCX Spear NGSW - Side Aim Patch"
"0247","+","【功能】Wastelander's Cookbook - Chinese"
"0248","+","【功能】Simple Impact击中反馈 枪支后坐力"
"0249","+","【功能】倾斜Uneducated Shooter - QE Leaning and Gun Inertia"
"0250","+","【功能】Weapon Debris Crash Fix"
"0256","+","【功能】快速启动SKK Fast Start new game"
"0257","+","【功能】NPCs Travel"
"0258","+","【功能】Amazing FollowerTweaks"
"0259","+","【建筑】Basement Living - Bunker and Basement Player Homes (with standalone Workshops)"
"0260","+","【建筑】Clean My Settlement REDUX"
"0261","+","【建筑】城堡The Castle Fully Restored In and Out v2.1-31858-2-1"
"0264","+","【补丁】High FPS Physics Fix"
"0265","+","【补丁】Realistic Death Physics - No Animations"
"0266","+","【补丁】There It Is - Satellite Maps For Collectors2"
"0267","+","【补丁】Better Casing Ejection"
"0268","+","【补丁】Better Settlers CN2"
"0269","+","【补丁】Buffout 4"
"0270","+","【补丁】No VATS Overhaul特权点大修"
"0275","+","Combined Combat XP (F4SE)"
"0276","+","Melee And Throw"
"0277","+","ENB Input Disabler"
"0278","+","Shadow Boost FO4"
"0281","+","【功能MOD】NPCs Travel MCM 汉化补丁"
"0284","+","【环境】Enhanced Lights and PRP (ELFX PRP PATCH)"
"0285","+","Previsibines Repair Pack"
"0286","+","Feral Ghouls converted to Human Zombies - Female Version"
"0287","+","TALOS Exoskeleton Redux -- A Power Armour Alternative"
"0288","+","TALOS Exoskeleton Redux -- A Power Armour Alternative v1.3 Chinese translation"
"0289","+","Leveled Item Framework (LIF)"
"0290","+","Leveled Item Framework (LIF) Chinese translation"
"0291","+","FemSynth - SexBots"
"0292","+","Luxor's green Mutfruits HD"
"0293","+","HD Reworked Brahmins Pack"