
楼主 |
发表于 2022-9-25 22:00:40
F4SE runtime: initialize (version = 0.6.20 010A0A30 01D8D0E368B204F6, os = 6.2 (9200))
imagebase = 00007FF646110000
reloc mgr imagebase = 00007FF646110000
plugin directory = L:\F4\Data\F4SE\Plugins\
checking plugin L:\F4\Data\F4SE\Plugins\\mcm.dll
registering plugin listener for F4SE at 1 of 2
plugin L:\F4\Data\F4SE\Plugins\\mcm.dll (00000001 F4MCM 00000008) loaded correctly
checking plugin L:\F4\Data\F4SE\Plugins\\Buffout4.dll
couldn't load plugin L:\F4\Data\F4SE\Plugins\\Buffout4.dll (Error 126)
checking plugin L:\F4\Data\F4SE\Plugins\\cbp.dll
registering plugin listener for F4SE at 0 of 3
plugin L:\F4\Data\F4SE\Plugins\\cbp.dll (00000001 cbpfo4 00000002) loaded correctly
checking plugin L:\F4\Data\F4SE\Plugins\\crafting_highlight_fix.dll
registering plugin listener for F4SE at 3 of 4
plugin L:\F4\Data\F4SE\Plugins\\crafting_highlight_fix.dll (00000001 crafting_highlight_fix 0000000E) loaded correctly
checking plugin L:\F4\Data\F4SE\Plugins\\def_ui.dll
registering plugin listener for F4SE at 4 of 5
plugin L:\F4\Data\F4SE\Plugins\\def_ui.dll (00000001 def_ui 00000001) loaded correctly
checking plugin L:\F4\Data\F4SE\Plugins\\ESPExplorer.dll
registering plugin listener for F4SE at 1 of 6
plugin L:\F4\Data\F4SE\Plugins\\ESPExplorer.dll (00000001 ESPExplorer plugin 00000001) loaded correctly
checking plugin L:\F4\Data\F4SE\Plugins\\f4ee.dll
registering plugin listener for F4SE at 6 of 7
plugin L:\F4\Data\F4SE\Plugins\\f4ee.dll (00000001 F4EE 00000001) loaded correctly
checking plugin L:\F4\Data\F4SE\Plugins\\LL_fourPlay_1_10_162.dll
plugin L:\F4\Data\F4SE\Plugins\\LL_fourPlay_1_10_162.dll (00000001 LL_fourPlay 00000025) reported as incompatible during query
checking plugin L:\F4\Data\F4SE\Plugins\\LL_fourPlay_1_10_163.dll
registering plugin listener for F4SE at 7 of 8
plugin L:\F4\Data\F4SE\Plugins\\LL_fourPlay_1_10_163.dll (00000001 LL_fourPlay 00000026) loaded correctly
checking plugin L:\F4\Data\F4SE\Plugins\\rename_anything.dll
plugin L:\F4\Data\F4SE\Plugins\\rename_anything.dll (00000001 rename_anything 00000013) loaded correctly
checking plugin L:\F4\Data\F4SE\Plugins\\XDI.dll
registering plugin listener for F4SE at 9 of 10
plugin L:\F4\Data\F4SE\Plugins\\XDI.dll (00000001 XDI 00000012) loaded correctly
config path = L:\F4\Data\F4SE\f4se.ini
init complete
Reading translations from Interface\Translations\AAF_en.txt...
Reading translations from Interface\Translations\LooksMenu_en.txt...
Reading translations from Interface\Translations\LMBTOverlays_en.txt...
Reading translations from Interface\Translations\MoreAGOMBz_en.txt...
Reading translations from Interface\Translations\CumNWealth_en.txt...
Reading translations from Interface\Translations\CumNWealth_mutant_en.txt...
Reading translations from Interface\Translations\AAF_Prostitution_en.txt...
Reading translations from Interface\Translations\AAF_VanillaFudge_en.txt...
Reading translations from Interface\Translations\AAF_Violate_en.txt...
save name is Autosave3_50A077A9_49736162656C6C61_Commonwealth_010824_20220924164658_33_2
full save path: E:\Documents\My Games\Fallout4\Saves\\Autosave3_50A077A9_49736162656C6C61_Commonwealth_010824_20220924164658_33_2.f4se
loading co-save
Loading plugin list:
(0 -> 0) Fallout4.esm
(1 -> 1) DLCRobot.esm
(2 -> 2) DLCworkshop01.esm
(3 -> 3) DLCCoast.esm
(4 -> 4) DLCworkshop02.esm
(5 -> 5) DLCworkshop03.esm
(6 -> 6) DLCNukaWorld.esm
(7 -> 7) ArmorKeywords.esm
(8 -> 8) XDI.esm
(9 -> 9) AAF.esm
(1040384 -> 1040384) TBOS-RaiderNormalFixMale.esl
(1040385 -> 1040385) TBOSBodyTalk2LooksMenu.esl
(10 -> 10) Bememoth Separated Cart.esp
(1040386 -> 1040386) WashOutThatCum.esl
(11 -> 11) TortureDevices.esm
(12 -> 12) Devious Devices.esm
(13 -> 13) Homemaker.esm
(1040387 -> 1040387) SavrenXBetterRobotHDLibertyPrime.esp
(14 -> 14) LooksMenu.esp
(15 -> 15) CBBE.esp
(16 -> 16) LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp
(17 -> 17) LMBTOverlays.esp
(18 -> 18) The Eyes Of Beauty.esp
(19 -> 19) MiscHairstyle.esp
(20 -> 20) Sun'sHepsyHair.esp
(21 -> 21) FaceLight.esp
(22 -> 22) KSHairdos.esp
(23 -> 23) Vivid Fallout - All in One - Best Choice.esp
(24 -> 24) Clean Water - Tropical - Rads.esp
(25 -> 25) Vivid Weathers - FO4.esp
(26 -> 26) Vivid Weathers - FO4 - Far Harbor.esp
(27 -> 27) Vivid Weathers - Natural Bright.esp
(28 -> 28) Vivid Weathers - Nuka World.esp
(29 -> 29) Grasslands - Healthy - Extreme.esp
(30 -> 30) Grasslands - Healthy.esp
(31 -> 31) FlaconOil_BA2_2K_Part1.esp
(32 -> 32) FlaconOil_BA2_2K_Part2.esp
(33 -> 33) FlaconOil_BA2_2K_Part3.esp
(34 -> 34) Natural Landscapes.esp
(35 -> 35) WOTC.esp
(36 -> 37) Armorsmith Extended.esp
(37 -> 38) MODGirlyAnimation.esp
(38 -> 39) AdvSettleTurretSet-Real.esp
(39 -> 40) TurretsPlayer5.esp
(40 -> 41) mmd_GuardPostWithSpotlights.esp
(41 -> 42) ESPExplorerFO4.esp
(42 -> 43) SuperMarketKart.esp
(43 -> 44) CovfefeFrenchMaidDeathclaw.esp
(44 -> 45) ECO.esp
(45 -> 47) Modern Firearms.esp
(46 -> 48) EPO.esp
(47 -> 49) LoveToCraftLegendary_Recycle.esp
(48 -> 50) LoveToCraftLegendary_Recycle_Automatron.esp
(49 -> 51) LoveToCraftLegendary_Recycle_BonusEffects.esp
(50 -> 52) LoveToCraftLegendary_Recycle_ExtraEffects.esp
(51 -> 53) LoveToCraftLegendary_Recycle_FarHarbor.esp
(52 -> 54) LoveToCraftLegendary_Recycle_NukaWorld.esp
(53 -> 55) LootableCrates.esp
(54 -> 56) JP_GuardTowers.esp
(55 -> 57) LootableCrates MergedDLCs.esp
(56 -> 58) MoreAGOMBz.esp
(57 -> 59) MoreAGOMBz_CP_ASE_ASEFH_ASENW.esp
(58 -> 60) XXXMags.esp
(59 -> 61) AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp
(60 -> 62) CheatTerminal.esp
(61 -> 63) NVUMP.esp
(62 -> 64) AFT_AI_Priority_Boost.esp
(63 -> 65) BetterSettlers.esp
(64 -> 66) BetterSettlersCleanFacePack.esp
(65 -> 67) Wasteland Heroines Replacer All in One_1.0.0.esp
(66 -> 68) BetterSettlersNoLollygagging.esp
(67 -> 69) CraftablePAFrame.esp
(68 -> 70) AAF_BadEnd_Animations.esp
(69 -> 71) AAF_CreaturePack01.esp
(70 -> 72) AAF_GrayAnimations.esp
(71 -> 73) Atomic Lust.esp
(72 -> 74) CumNWealth.esp
(73 -> 75) Mutated Lust.esp
(74 -> 76) Rufgt's Animations.esp
(75 -> 77) rxl_bp70_animations.esp
(76 -> 78) SavageCabbage_Animations.esp
(77 -> 79) Vadermania[AAF_anims].esp
(78 -> 80) ZaZOut4.esp
(79 -> 81) Deathclaw_nude.esp
(80 -> 82) Vioxsis_Strap-Ons.esp
(81 -> 83) CumNWealth_mutant.esp
(82 -> 84) Zaz Particles.esp
(83 -> 85) Just Business.esp
(84 -> 86) AAF_Prostitution.esp
(85 -> 87) AAF_SEU.esp
(86 -> 88) AAF_VanillaFudge.esp
(87 -> 89) AAF_Violate.esp
(88 -> 90) CombatStripLite.esp
(89 -> 91) AFVPurgatory.esp
(90 -> 92) FP_FamilyPlanningEnhanced.esp
(91 -> 93) FP_SexualHarassment.esp
(92 -> 94) FPAttributes.esp
(93 -> 95) FPEAddonPack.esp
(94 -> 96) Raider Pet.esp
(95 -> 97) Rogg DD Items Manager.esp
(96 -> 98) CWSS Redux.esp
(97 -> 99) Homemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power.esp
(98 -> 100) Prisoner Shackles.esp
(99 -> 101) SSEX.esp
(100 -> 102) AhegaoBandana.esp
(101 -> 103) AAF_CreaturePack02DLC.esp
(1040388 -> 1040388) AAF_Violate_DLC_Patch.esp
(102 -> 104) Beggar_Whore.esp
(103 -> 105) WOTC - Experimental Fixes.esp
(104 -> 106) FO4 NPCs Travel.esp
(105 -> 107) TeleportGrenade.esp
(106 -> 108) Kor_Highlight.esp
(107 -> 109) OWR2.esp
(108 -> 110) FO4_AnimationsByLeito.esp
(109 -> 111) VaultGirl.esp
(1040389 -> 1040389) Yinzicao's Satellite World Map.esp
(110 -> 112) EnhancedLightsandFX.esp
(111 -> 113) Pip-Boy Flashlight.esp
Loading key input event registrations...
Loading control input event registrations...
Loading external event registrations...
Loading camera event registrations...
Loading furniture event registrations...
Loading F4SEPersistentObjectStorage data...
Loading F4SEDelayFunctorManager data...
cleared save path
save name is Quicksave0_50A077A9_49736162656C6C61_Commonwealth_010827_20220925133745_33_2
full save path: E:\Documents\My Games\Fallout4\Saves\\Quicksave0_50A077A9_49736162656C6C61_Commonwealth_010827_20220925133745_33_2.f4se
creating co-save
Saving plugin list:
[0] Fallout4.esm
[1] DLCRobot.esm
[2] DLCworkshop01.esm
[3] DLCCoast.esm
[4] DLCworkshop02.esm
[5] DLCworkshop03.esm
[6] DLCNukaWorld.esm
[7] ArmorKeywords.esm
[8] XDI.esm
[9] AAF.esm
[FE:0] TBOS-RaiderNormalFixMale.esl
[FE:1] TBOSBodyTalk2LooksMenu.esl
[10] Bememoth Separated Cart.esp
[FE:2] WashOutThatCum.esl
[11] TortureDevices.esm
[12] Devious Devices.esm
[13] Homemaker.esm
[FE:3] SavrenXBetterRobotHDLibertyPrime.esp
[14] LooksMenu.esp
[15] CBBE.esp
[16] LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp
[17] LMBTOverlays.esp
[18] The Eyes Of Beauty.esp
[19] MiscHairstyle.esp
[20] Sun'sHepsyHair.esp
[21] FaceLight.esp
[22] KSHairdos.esp
[23] Vivid Fallout - All in One - Best Choice.esp
[24] Clean Water - Tropical - Rads.esp
[25] Vivid Weathers - FO4.esp
[26] Vivid Weathers - FO4 - Far Harbor.esp
[27] Vivid Weathers - Natural Bright.esp
[28] Vivid Weathers - Nuka World.esp
[29] Grasslands - Healthy - Extreme.esp
[30] Grasslands - Healthy.esp
[31] FlaconOil_BA2_2K_Part1.esp
[32] FlaconOil_BA2_2K_Part2.esp
[33] FlaconOil_BA2_2K_Part3.esp
[34] Natural Landscapes.esp
[35] WOTC.esp
[36] ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-DLCVersion-VanillaWeight.esp
[37] Armorsmith Extended.esp
[38] MODGirlyAnimation.esp
[39] AdvSettleTurretSet-Real.esp
[40] TurretsPlayer5.esp
[41] mmd_GuardPostWithSpotlights.esp
[42] ESPExplorerFO4.esp
[43] SuperMarketKart.esp
[44] CovfefeFrenchMaidDeathclaw.esp
[45] ECO.esp
[46] ValdacilsItemSorting-Junk+DEF_INV.esp
[47] Modern Firearms.esp
[48] EPO.esp
[49] LoveToCraftLegendary_Recycle.esp
[50] LoveToCraftLegendary_Recycle_Automatron.esp
[51] LoveToCraftLegendary_Recycle_BonusEffects.esp
[52] LoveToCraftLegendary_Recycle_ExtraEffects.esp
[53] LoveToCraftLegendary_Recycle_FarHarbor.esp
[54] LoveToCraftLegendary_Recycle_NukaWorld.esp
[55] LootableCrates.esp
[56] JP_GuardTowers.esp
[57] LootableCrates MergedDLCs.esp
[58] MoreAGOMBz.esp
[60] XXXMags.esp
[61] AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp
[62] CheatTerminal.esp
[63] NVUMP.esp
[64] AFT_AI_Priority_Boost.esp
[65] BetterSettlers.esp
[66] BetterSettlersCleanFacePack.esp
[67] Wasteland Heroines Replacer All in One_1.0.0.esp
[68] BetterSettlersNoLollygagging.esp
[69] CraftablePAFrame.esp
[70] AAF_BadEnd_Animations.esp
[71] AAF_CreaturePack01.esp
[72] AAF_GrayAnimations.esp
[73] Atomic Lust.esp
[74] CumNWealth.esp
[75] Mutated Lust.esp
[76] Rufgt's Animations.esp
[77] rxl_bp70_animations.esp
[78] SavageCabbage_Animations.esp
[79] Vadermania[AAF_anims].esp
[80] ZaZOut4.esp
[81] Deathclaw_nude.esp
[82] Vioxsis_Strap-Ons.esp
[83] CumNWealth_mutant.esp
[84] Zaz Particles.esp
[85] Just Business.esp
[86] AAF_Prostitution.esp
[87] AAF_SEU.esp
[88] AAF_VanillaFudge.esp
[89] AAF_Violate.esp
[90] CombatStripLite.esp
[91] AFVPurgatory.esp
[92] FP_FamilyPlanningEnhanced.esp
[93] FP_SexualHarassment.esp
[94] FPAttributes.esp
[95] FPEAddonPack.esp
[96] Raider Pet.esp
[97] Rogg DD Items Manager.esp
[98] CWSS Redux.esp
[99] Homemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power.esp
[100] Prisoner Shackles.esp
[101] SSEX.esp
[102] AhegaoBandana.esp
[103] AAF_CreaturePack02DLC.esp
[FE:4] AAF_Violate_DLC_Patch.esp
[104] Beggar_Whore.esp
[105] WOTC - Experimental Fixes.esp
[106] FO4 NPCs Travel.esp
[107] TeleportGrenade.esp
[108] Kor_Highlight.esp
[109] OWR2.esp
[110] FO4_AnimationsByLeito.esp
[111] VaultGirl.esp
[FE:5] Yinzicao's Satellite World Map.esp
[112] EnhancedLightsandFX.esp
[113] Pip-Boy Flashlight.esp
Saving key input event registrations...
Saving control input event registrations...
Saving external event registrations...
Saving camera event registrations...
Saving furniture event registrations...
Saving SKSEPersistentObjectStorage data...
Saving SKSEDelayFunctorManager data...
cleared save path
deleting co-save E:\Documents\My Games\Fallout4\Saves\\Quicksave0_50A077A9_49736162656C6C61_Commonwealth_010813_20220924163532_33_2.f4se
save name is Quicksave0_50A077A9_49736162656C6C61_Commonwealth_010829_20220925133911_33_2
full save path: E:\Documents\My Games\Fallout4\Saves\\Quicksave0_50A077A9_49736162656C6C61_Commonwealth_010829_20220925133911_33_2.f4se
creating co-save
Saving plugin list:
[0] Fallout4.esm
[1] DLCRobot.esm
[2] DLCworkshop01.esm
[3] DLCCoast.esm
[4] DLCworkshop02.esm
[5] DLCworkshop03.esm
[6] DLCNukaWorld.esm
[7] ArmorKeywords.esm
[8] XDI.esm
[9] AAF.esm
[FE:0] TBOS-RaiderNormalFixMale.esl
[FE:1] TBOSBodyTalk2LooksMenu.esl
[10] Bememoth Separated Cart.esp
[FE:2] WashOutThatCum.esl
[11] TortureDevices.esm
[12] Devious Devices.esm
[13] Homemaker.esm
[FE:3] SavrenXBetterRobotHDLibertyPrime.esp
[14] LooksMenu.esp
[15] CBBE.esp
[16] LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp
[17] LMBTOverlays.esp
[18] The Eyes Of Beauty.esp
[19] MiscHairstyle.esp
[20] Sun'sHepsyHair.esp
[21] FaceLight.esp
[22] KSHairdos.esp
[23] Vivid Fallout - All in One - Best Choice.esp
[24] Clean Water - Tropical - Rads.esp
[25] Vivid Weathers - FO4.esp
[26] Vivid Weathers - FO4 - Far Harbor.esp
[27] Vivid Weathers - Natural Bright.esp
[28] Vivid Weathers - Nuka World.esp
[29] Grasslands - Healthy - Extreme.esp
[30] Grasslands - Healthy.esp
[31] FlaconOil_BA2_2K_Part1.esp
[32] FlaconOil_BA2_2K_Part2.esp
[33] FlaconOil_BA2_2K_Part3.esp
[34] Natural Landscapes.esp
[35] WOTC.esp
[36] ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-DLCVersion-VanillaWeight.esp
[37] Armorsmith Extended.esp
[38] MODGirlyAnimation.esp
[39] AdvSettleTurretSet-Real.esp
[40] TurretsPlayer5.esp
[41] mmd_GuardPostWithSpotlights.esp
[42] ESPExplorerFO4.esp
[43] SuperMarketKart.esp
[44] CovfefeFrenchMaidDeathclaw.esp
[45] ECO.esp
[46] ValdacilsItemSorting-Junk+DEF_INV.esp
[47] Modern Firearms.esp
[48] EPO.esp
[49] LoveToCraftLegendary_Recycle.esp
[50] LoveToCraftLegendary_Recycle_Automatron.esp
[51] LoveToCraftLegendary_Recycle_BonusEffects.esp
[52] LoveToCraftLegendary_Recycle_ExtraEffects.esp
[53] LoveToCraftLegendary_Recycle_FarHarbor.esp
[54] LoveToCraftLegendary_Recycle_NukaWorld.esp
[55] LootableCrates.esp
[56] JP_GuardTowers.esp
[57] LootableCrates MergedDLCs.esp
[58] MoreAGOMBz.esp
[60] XXXMags.esp
[61] AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp
[62] CheatTerminal.esp
[63] NVUMP.esp
[64] AFT_AI_Priority_Boost.esp
[65] BetterSettlers.esp
[66] BetterSettlersCleanFacePack.esp
[67] Wasteland Heroines Replacer All in One_1.0.0.esp
[68] BetterSettlersNoLollygagging.esp
[69] CraftablePAFrame.esp
[70] AAF_BadEnd_Animations.esp
[71] AAF_CreaturePack01.esp
[72] AAF_GrayAnimations.esp
[73] Atomic Lust.esp
[74] CumNWealth.esp
[75] Mutated Lust.esp
[76] Rufgt's Animations.esp
[77] rxl_bp70_animations.esp
[78] SavageCabbage_Animations.esp
[79] Vadermania[AAF_anims].esp
[80] ZaZOut4.esp
[81] Deathclaw_nude.esp
[82] Vioxsis_Strap-Ons.esp
[83] CumNWealth_mutant.esp
[84] Zaz Particles.esp
[85] Just Business.esp
[86] AAF_Prostitution.esp
[87] AAF_SEU.esp
[88] AAF_VanillaFudge.esp
[89] AAF_Violate.esp
[90] CombatStripLite.esp
[91] AFVPurgatory.esp
[92] FP_FamilyPlanningEnhanced.esp
[93] FP_SexualHarassment.esp
[94] FPAttributes.esp
[95] FPEAddonPack.esp
[96] Raider Pet.esp
[97] Rogg DD Items Manager.esp
[98] CWSS Redux.esp
[99] Homemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power.esp
[100] Prisoner Shackles.esp
[101] SSEX.esp
[102] AhegaoBandana.esp
[103] AAF_CreaturePack02DLC.esp
[FE:4] AAF_Violate_DLC_Patch.esp
[104] Beggar_Whore.esp
[105] WOTC - Experimental Fixes.esp
[106] FO4 NPCs Travel.esp
[107] TeleportGrenade.esp
[108] Kor_Highlight.esp
[109] OWR2.esp
[110] FO4_AnimationsByLeito.esp
[111] VaultGirl.esp
[FE:5] Yinzicao's Satellite World Map.esp
[112] EnhancedLightsandFX.esp
[113] Pip-Boy Flashlight.esp
Saving key input event registrations...
Saving control input event registrations...
Saving external event registrations...
Saving camera event registrations...
Saving furniture event registrations...
Saving SKSEPersistentObjectStorage data...
Saving SKSEDelayFunctorManager data...
cleared save path
deleting co-save E:\Documents\My Games\Fallout4\Saves\\Quicksave0_50A077A9_49736162656C6C61_Commonwealth_010827_20220925133745_33_2.f4se
save name is Quicksave0_50A077A9_49736162656C6C61_Commonwealth_010829_20220925133917_33_2
full save path: E:\Documents\My Games\Fallout4\Saves\\Quicksave0_50A077A9_49736162656C6C61_Commonwealth_010829_20220925133917_33_2.f4se
creating co-save
Saving plugin list:
[0] Fallout4.esm
[1] DLCRobot.esm
[2] DLCworkshop01.esm
[3] DLCCoast.esm
[4] DLCworkshop02.esm
[5] DLCworkshop03.esm
[6] DLCNukaWorld.esm
[7] ArmorKeywords.esm
[8] XDI.esm
[9] AAF.esm
[FE:0] TBOS-RaiderNormalFixMale.esl
[FE:1] TBOSBodyTalk2LooksMenu.esl
[10] Bememoth Separated Cart.esp
[FE:2] WashOutThatCum.esl
[11] TortureDevices.esm
[12] Devious Devices.esm
[13] Homemaker.esm
[FE:3] SavrenXBetterRobotHDLibertyPrime.esp
[14] LooksMenu.esp
[15] CBBE.esp
[16] LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp
[17] LMBTOverlays.esp
[18] The Eyes Of Beauty.esp
[19] MiscHairstyle.esp
[20] Sun'sHepsyHair.esp
[21] FaceLight.esp
[22] KSHairdos.esp
[23] Vivid Fallout - All in One - Best Choice.esp
[24] Clean Water - Tropical - Rads.esp
[25] Vivid Weathers - FO4.esp
[26] Vivid Weathers - FO4 - Far Harbor.esp
[27] Vivid Weathers - Natural Bright.esp
[28] Vivid Weathers - Nuka World.esp
[29] Grasslands - Healthy - Extreme.esp
[30] Grasslands - Healthy.esp
[31] FlaconOil_BA2_2K_Part1.esp
[32] FlaconOil_BA2_2K_Part2.esp
[33] FlaconOil_BA2_2K_Part3.esp
[34] Natural Landscapes.esp
[35] WOTC.esp
[36] ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-DLCVersion-VanillaWeight.esp
[37] Armorsmith Extended.esp
[38] MODGirlyAnimation.esp
[39] AdvSettleTurretSet-Real.esp
[40] TurretsPlayer5.esp
[41] mmd_GuardPostWithSpotlights.esp
[42] ESPExplorerFO4.esp
[43] SuperMarketKart.esp
[44] CovfefeFrenchMaidDeathclaw.esp
[45] ECO.esp
[46] ValdacilsItemSorting-Junk+DEF_INV.esp
[47] Modern Firearms.esp
[48] EPO.esp
[49] LoveToCraftLegendary_Recycle.esp
[50] LoveToCraftLegendary_Recycle_Automatron.esp
[51] LoveToCraftLegendary_Recycle_BonusEffects.esp
[52] LoveToCraftLegendary_Recycle_ExtraEffects.esp
[53] LoveToCraftLegendary_Recycle_FarHarbor.esp
[54] LoveToCraftLegendary_Recycle_NukaWorld.esp
[55] LootableCrates.esp
[56] JP_GuardTowers.esp
[57] LootableCrates MergedDLCs.esp
[58] MoreAGOMBz.esp
[60] XXXMags.esp
[61] AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp
[62] CheatTerminal.esp
[63] NVUMP.esp
[64] AFT_AI_Priority_Boost.esp
[65] BetterSettlers.esp
[66] BetterSettlersCleanFacePack.esp
[67] Wasteland Heroines Replacer All in One_1.0.0.esp
[68] BetterSettlersNoLollygagging.esp
[69] CraftablePAFrame.esp
[70] AAF_BadEnd_Animations.esp
[71] AAF_CreaturePack01.esp
[72] AAF_GrayAnimations.esp
[73] Atomic Lust.esp
[74] CumNWealth.esp
[75] Mutated Lust.esp
[76] Rufgt's Animations.esp
[77] rxl_bp70_animations.esp
[78] SavageCabbage_Animations.esp
[79] Vadermania[AAF_anims].esp
[80] ZaZOut4.esp
[81] Deathclaw_nude.esp
[82] Vioxsis_Strap-Ons.esp
[83] CumNWealth_mutant.esp
[84] Zaz Particles.esp
[85] Just Business.esp
[86] AAF_Prostitution.esp
[87] AAF_SEU.esp
[88] AAF_VanillaFudge.esp
[89] AAF_Violate.esp
[90] CombatStripLite.esp
[91] AFVPurgatory.esp
[92] FP_FamilyPlanningEnhanced.esp
[93] FP_SexualHarassment.esp
[94] FPAttributes.esp
[95] FPEAddonPack.esp
[96] Raider Pet.esp
[97] Rogg DD Items Manager.esp
[98] CWSS Redux.esp
[99] Homemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power.esp
[100] Prisoner Shackles.esp
[101] SSEX.esp
[102] AhegaoBandana.esp
[103] AAF_CreaturePack02DLC.esp
[FE:4] AAF_Violate_DLC_Patch.esp
[104] Beggar_Whore.esp
[105] WOTC - Experimental Fixes.esp
[106] FO4 NPCs Travel.esp
[107] TeleportGrenade.esp
[108] Kor_Highlight.esp
[109] OWR2.esp
[110] FO4_AnimationsByLeito.esp
[111] VaultGirl.esp
[FE:5] Yinzicao's Satellite World Map.esp
[112] EnhancedLightsandFX.esp
[113] Pip-Boy Flashlight.esp
Saving key input event registrations...
Saving control input event registrations...
Saving external event registrations...
Saving camera event registrations...
Saving furniture event registrations...
Saving SKSEPersistentObjectStorage data...
Saving SKSEDelayFunctorManager data...
cleared save path
deleting co-save E:\Documents\My Games\Fallout4\Saves\\Quicksave0_50A077A9_49736162656C6C61_Commonwealth_010829_20220925133911_33_2.f4se
save name is Quicksave0_50A077A9_49736162656C6C61_Commonwealth_010836_20220925134605_33_2
full save path: E:\Documents\My Games\Fallout4\Saves\\Quicksave0_50A077A9_49736162656C6C61_Commonwealth_010836_20220925134605_33_2.f4se
creating co-save
Saving plugin list:
[0] Fallout4.esm
[1] DLCRobot.esm
[2] DLCworkshop01.esm
[3] DLCCoast.esm
[4] DLCworkshop02.esm
[5] DLCworkshop03.esm
[6] DLCNukaWorld.esm
[7] ArmorKeywords.esm
[8] XDI.esm
[9] AAF.esm
[FE:0] TBOS-RaiderNormalFixMale.esl
[FE:1] TBOSBodyTalk2LooksMenu.esl
[10] Bememoth Separated Cart.esp
[FE:2] WashOutThatCum.esl
[11] TortureDevices.esm
[12] Devious Devices.esm
[13] Homemaker.esm
[FE:3] SavrenXBetterRobotHDLibertyPrime.esp
[14] LooksMenu.esp
[15] CBBE.esp
[16] LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp
[17] LMBTOverlays.esp
[18] The Eyes Of Beauty.esp
[19] MiscHairstyle.esp
[20] Sun'sHepsyHair.esp
[21] FaceLight.esp
[22] KSHairdos.esp
[23] Vivid Fallout - All in One - Best Choice.esp
[24] Clean Water - Tropical - Rads.esp
[25] Vivid Weathers - FO4.esp
[26] Vivid Weathers - FO4 - Far Harbor.esp
[27] Vivid Weathers - Natural Bright.esp
[28] Vivid Weathers - Nuka World.esp
[29] Grasslands - Healthy - Extreme.esp
[30] Grasslands - Healthy.esp
[31] FlaconOil_BA2_2K_Part1.esp
[32] FlaconOil_BA2_2K_Part2.esp
[33] FlaconOil_BA2_2K_Part3.esp
[34] Natural Landscapes.esp
[35] WOTC.esp
[36] ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-DLCVersion-VanillaWeight.esp
[37] Armorsmith Extended.esp
[38] MODGirlyAnimation.esp
[39] AdvSettleTurretSet-Real.esp
[40] TurretsPlayer5.esp
[41] mmd_GuardPostWithSpotlights.esp
[42] ESPExplorerFO4.esp
[43] SuperMarketKart.esp
[44] CovfefeFrenchMaidDeathclaw.esp
[45] ECO.esp
[46] ValdacilsItemSorting-Junk+DEF_INV.esp
[47] Modern Firearms.esp
[48] EPO.esp
[49] LoveToCraftLegendary_Recycle.esp
[50] LoveToCraftLegendary_Recycle_Automatron.esp
[51] LoveToCraftLegendary_Recycle_BonusEffects.esp
[52] LoveToCraftLegendary_Recycle_ExtraEffects.esp
[53] LoveToCraftLegendary_Recycle_FarHarbor.esp
[54] LoveToCraftLegendary_Recycle_NukaWorld.esp
[55] LootableCrates.esp
[56] JP_GuardTowers.esp
[57] LootableCrates MergedDLCs.esp
[58] MoreAGOMBz.esp
[60] XXXMags.esp
[61] AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp
[62] CheatTerminal.esp
[63] NVUMP.esp
[64] AFT_AI_Priority_Boost.esp
[65] BetterSettlers.esp
[66] BetterSettlersCleanFacePack.esp
[67] Wasteland Heroines Replacer All in One_1.0.0.esp
[68] BetterSettlersNoLollygagging.esp
[69] CraftablePAFrame.esp
[70] AAF_BadEnd_Animations.esp
[71] AAF_CreaturePack01.esp
[72] AAF_GrayAnimations.esp
[73] Atomic Lust.esp
[74] CumNWealth.esp
[75] Mutated Lust.esp
[76] Rufgt's Animations.esp
[77] rxl_bp70_animations.esp
[78] SavageCabbage_Animations.esp
[79] Vadermania[AAF_anims].esp
[80] ZaZOut4.esp
[81] Deathclaw_nude.esp
[82] Vioxsis_Strap-Ons.esp
[83] CumNWealth_mutant.esp
[84] Zaz Particles.esp
[85] Just Business.esp
[86] AAF_Prostitution.esp
[87] AAF_SEU.esp
[88] AAF_VanillaFudge.esp
[89] AAF_Violate.esp
[90] CombatStripLite.esp
[91] AFVPurgatory.esp
[92] FP_FamilyPlanningEnhanced.esp
[93] FP_SexualHarassment.esp
[94] FPAttributes.esp
[95] FPEAddonPack.esp
[96] Raider Pet.esp
[97] Rogg DD Items Manager.esp
[98] CWSS Redux.esp
[99] Homemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power.esp
[100] Prisoner Shackles.esp
[101] SSEX.esp
[102] AhegaoBandana.esp
[103] AAF_CreaturePack02DLC.esp
[FE:4] AAF_Violate_DLC_Patch.esp
[104] Beggar_Whore.esp
[105] WOTC - Experimental Fixes.esp
[106] FO4 NPCs Travel.esp
[107] TeleportGrenade.esp
[108] Kor_Highlight.esp
[109] OWR2.esp
[110] FO4_AnimationsByLeito.esp
[111] VaultGirl.esp
[FE:5] Yinzicao's Satellite World Map.esp
[112] EnhancedLightsandFX.esp
[113] Pip-Boy Flashlight.esp
Saving key input event registrations...
Saving control input event registrations...
Saving external event registrations...
Saving camera event registrations...
Saving furniture event registrations...
Saving SKSEPersistentObjectStorage data...
Saving SKSEDelayFunctorManager data...
cleared save path
deleting co-save E:\Documents\My Games\Fallout4\Saves\\Quicksave0_50A077A9_49736162656C6C61_Commonwealth_010829_20220925133917_33_2.f4se
save name is Quicksave0_50A077A9_49736162656C6C61_Commonwealth_010848_20220925135852_33_2
full save path: E:\Documents\My Games\Fallout4\Saves\\Quicksave0_50A077A9_49736162656C6C61_Commonwealth_010848_20220925135852_33_2.f4se
creating co-save
Saving plugin list:
[0] Fallout4.esm
[1] DLCRobot.esm
[2] DLCworkshop01.esm
[3] DLCCoast.esm
[4] DLCworkshop02.esm
[5] DLCworkshop03.esm
[6] DLCNukaWorld.esm
[7] ArmorKeywords.esm
[8] XDI.esm
[9] AAF.esm
[FE:0] TBOS-RaiderNormalFixMale.esl
[FE:1] TBOSBodyTalk2LooksMenu.esl
[10] Bememoth Separated Cart.esp
[FE:2] WashOutThatCum.esl
[11] TortureDevices.esm
[12] Devious Devices.esm
[13] Homemaker.esm
[FE:3] SavrenXBetterRobotHDLibertyPrime.esp
[14] LooksMenu.esp
[15] CBBE.esp
[16] LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp
[17] LMBTOverlays.esp
[18] The Eyes Of Beauty.esp
[19] MiscHairstyle.esp
[20] Sun'sHepsyHair.esp
[21] FaceLight.esp
[22] KSHairdos.esp
[23] Vivid Fallout - All in One - Best Choice.esp
[24] Clean Water - Tropical - Rads.esp
[25] Vivid Weathers - FO4.esp
[26] Vivid Weathers - FO4 - Far Harbor.esp
[27] Vivid Weathers - Natural Bright.esp
[28] Vivid Weathers - Nuka World.esp
[29] Grasslands - Healthy - Extreme.esp
[30] Grasslands - Healthy.esp
[31] FlaconOil_BA2_2K_Part1.esp
[32] FlaconOil_BA2_2K_Part2.esp
[33] FlaconOil_BA2_2K_Part3.esp
[34] Natural Landscapes.esp
[35] WOTC.esp
[36] ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-DLCVersion-VanillaWeight.esp
[37] Armorsmith Extended.esp
[38] MODGirlyAnimation.esp
[39] AdvSettleTurretSet-Real.esp
[40] TurretsPlayer5.esp
[41] mmd_GuardPostWithSpotlights.esp
[42] ESPExplorerFO4.esp
[43] SuperMarketKart.esp
[44] CovfefeFrenchMaidDeathclaw.esp
[45] ECO.esp
[46] ValdacilsItemSorting-Junk+DEF_INV.esp
[47] Modern Firearms.esp
[48] EPO.esp
[49] LoveToCraftLegendary_Recycle.esp
[50] LoveToCraftLegendary_Recycle_Automatron.esp
[51] LoveToCraftLegendary_Recycle_BonusEffects.esp
[52] LoveToCraftLegendary_Recycle_ExtraEffects.esp
[53] LoveToCraftLegendary_Recycle_FarHarbor.esp
[54] LoveToCraftLegendary_Recycle_NukaWorld.esp
[55] LootableCrates.esp
[56] JP_GuardTowers.esp
[57] LootableCrates MergedDLCs.esp
[58] MoreAGOMBz.esp
[60] XXXMags.esp
[61] AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp
[62] CheatTerminal.esp
[63] NVUMP.esp
[64] AFT_AI_Priority_Boost.esp
[65] BetterSettlers.esp
[66] BetterSettlersCleanFacePack.esp
[67] Wasteland Heroines Replacer All in One_1.0.0.esp
[68] BetterSettlersNoLollygagging.esp
[69] CraftablePAFrame.esp
[70] AAF_BadEnd_Animations.esp
[71] AAF_CreaturePack01.esp
[72] AAF_GrayAnimations.esp
[73] Atomic Lust.esp
[74] CumNWealth.esp
[75] Mutated Lust.esp
[76] Rufgt's Animations.esp
[77] rxl_bp70_animations.esp
[78] SavageCabbage_Animations.esp
[79] Vadermania[AAF_anims].esp
[80] ZaZOut4.esp
[81] Deathclaw_nude.esp
[82] Vioxsis_Strap-Ons.esp
[83] CumNWealth_mutant.esp
[84] Zaz Particles.esp
[85] Just Business.esp
[86] AAF_Prostitution.esp
[87] AAF_SEU.esp
[88] AAF_VanillaFudge.esp
[89] AAF_Violate.esp
[90] CombatStripLite.esp
[91] AFVPurgatory.esp
[92] FP_FamilyPlanningEnhanced.esp
[93] FP_SexualHarassment.esp
[94] FPAttributes.esp
[95] FPEAddonPack.esp
[96] Raider Pet.esp
[97] Rogg DD Items Manager.esp
[98] CWSS Redux.esp
[99] Homemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power.esp
[100] Prisoner Shackles.esp
[101] SSEX.esp
[102] AhegaoBandana.esp
[103] AAF_CreaturePack02DLC.esp
[FE:4] AAF_Violate_DLC_Patch.esp
[104] Beggar_Whore.esp
[105] WOTC - Experimental Fixes.esp
[106] FO4 NPCs Travel.esp
[107] TeleportGrenade.esp
[108] Kor_Highlight.esp
[109] OWR2.esp
[110] FO4_AnimationsByLeito.esp
[111] VaultGirl.esp
[FE:5] Yinzicao's Satellite World Map.esp
[112] EnhancedLightsandFX.esp
[113] Pip-Boy Flashlight.esp
Saving key input event registrations...
Saving control input event registrations...
Saving external event registrations...
Saving camera event registrations...
Saving furniture event registrations...
Saving SKSEPersistentObjectStorage data...
Saving SKSEDelayFunctorManager data...
cleared save path
deleting co-save E:\Documents\My Games\Fallout4\Saves\\Quicksave0_50A077A9_49736162656C6C61_Commonwealth_010836_20220925134605_33_2.f4se
这个是我的BUFFOUT4诊断结果。。。。 |