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本帖最后由 映天町 于 2021-12-21 19:57 编辑
原贴简介(机翻微润色): 这个MOD简单地将命运2年3时期的一把600射速AR添加进了辐射4的废土当中。 命运2的这把武器对我来说已经没有太多可以作改动的地方了…但无论如何我都会为其做一些点缀。 目前这把枪使用AK74M的动作和音效。 感谢HyperX佬和他的团队允许我使用他们的mod资源!也请你们多多支持他们的mod! 最后,祝你玩得开心!以及,狩猎愉快,噶迪恩。
我添加了一个没有标记的任务,你可以循着这条路去寻找这把神秘的武器。 钻石城中有人传言,法伦家地下室的Becky Fallon正在寻找一位侦探,为她找一名失踪人口。 她表示虽然没有十足的现金酬劳,但她会支付任何你想要的东西——前提是你能把那位“失败者”带回来。 她会给你一张便条,便条上写着这个人目前可能所在的地方。
个人点评: 说实话武器模型质量并没有想象中那么优秀,瞄具相对来说也比较普通甚至有点难看,手感只能说是勉勉强强。 但,那可是命运2啊 此外坛子里有分流的荆棘和遗言也均出自这位佬之手,
改造项目不多,只有机匣、弹匣以及光等(即伤害)可作改动。 获取武器请敲player.additem xx000F99,或是搜集散落在地图各处的作者添加的枪箱,例如康科德下水道及麻州立交桥等地。 此外作者除了枪械以外还添加了两张字条,上面简略讲述了这把武器的背景和该如何去找到这把武器。 因为本笨比不会修改文本字条的描述信息,于是在游戏内我只给出了部分关键信息,完整信息以及本人渣翻会贴在下面:
info on my location 位置信息 becky insists i leave this for anyone who is stupid enough Becky坚持要我写下这份字条好让她说服某个蠢蛋在未来某天方
to let her convince them to come after me. 便找我。
ill be heading to the glowing sea to find someone who went 我要去发光海找一个人,Becky说我本不应该去,但他们给的实
missing. the pay is far to handsome to turn down. becky says 在太多了,我根本无法拒绝。我坚信我的幸运之枪伴我身侧时我
i should not go but i have to.. im sure with my lucky gun be my 绝不会出事。但如果我真的碰到了那么糟糕的情况…我会试着前
side i wont have anything to worry about. if things do go south.. 往我在发光海的一处藏身地——一个被摧毁的红火箭维修站,只
ill try and head to my old hide out. its a destroyed red rocket just 有一条路向外联通。如果有人曾到过这里那应该知道我说的是哪
a little ways past one of the caves in the glowing sea. anyone who 我在那里藏了一只旧皮箱,里头有一些补给品。如果我碰到麻烦
has been tehre before should know the location. i have a old trunk 了的话,你能在那里找到我。当然,前提是我真的有麻烦了。
in the back with some supplies in it if need be. if im in trouble youll
find me there. again i doubt ill need the help.
this is it. tell becky im sorry. 就是这样。告诉Becky我很抱歉。
this is it... i fear for the worst... there is no way im making it out of this. …我最担心的情况发生了…我没法从这脱困,而且血流不止—
im bleeding bad. my leg is broken, and there are about 6! scorpions out —因为我的腿断了。更何况外面还有整整六只辐射蝎在游荡!
there. i should have listened to becky! 喔我真应该听Becky的!
i cant stay here like this and just wait to die, i cant do much with a broken leg.... 我不能就这样呆在这等死…但拖着一条断腿的我又能做些什么…
its funny it reminds me of how i got this weapon. i was about 8 i think and 说来有趣,这生死攸关的场面反倒让我想起了我是怎么得到这
one day when my pa and i where out on a run a giant flash came from the 把武器的。在我大概八岁那年的某一天,我和我的父亲出门探
sky and some guy fell from the sky! yeah that's right he fell from about 50 险时,一道巨大的闪电从天而降——随即我看到了闪电之后还
feet up he broken his leg when he fell and was knocked out. my pa and myself 有个人影急速下坠!没错,你能想象吗?一个人从五十英尺的
brought him home and patched him up and waited for him to wake up. 高空坠落后只是摔断了腿并昏了过去。我和父亲将他带回了自
long story short he is something called a titan, a guardian to be exact.
he fell through a vex gateway during a raid he said and next thing you know 后面的事情我就长话短说了,他是一名泰坦——确切来说是一
he is here. we helped him out over the years set him up in a camp not far from us, 名守护者。他说,他在一次突袭中,他摔进了一个VEX传送门
went out on runs with him and visited once in awhile, we all become pretty ,之后就莫名其妙到了这个地方。我和父亲花了许多年帮助他
good friends. anyways one day we where on a run and we where ambused 在废土中立足,将他安置在附近的一个营地当中,与他一同散
by some raiders. my dad took a pretty good shot to the chest and this titan 步,偶尔互相串门拜访,我们与他成为了非常要好的朋友。但
just laid down everything he had. wasted all his rounds but dang he took em 这样的日子并没有持续太久。某一天我们出门时被一队掠夺者
all out! about 23 of em... 伏击了,我的父亲被他们射了个透心凉。这位泰坦却放下了他
my dad ended up passing through in the middle of the fire fight... he helped 个掠夺者!
me bring him home and burry him out back, after he said he thinks its time he
left and tried to find a ways home, he gave me this rifle and a gift and something 我父亲的生命最后在火拼中消逝了…泰坦把我带回了他家,然
to remember him and my dad. i have tinckered with it enough that i have managed 后说他认为他是时候离开了。他设法找到了回去的方式后,他
to get it to use our fusions cells but its nothing close to the stoping power that it 将这把步枪和一个小礼物留给了我,让我聊以纪念父亲和他。
used to be. anyways shes one of a kind! and a gem at that to. if i didn't run out of 我试着修好并改造了它,让它能用核融合电池供能,但它的性 ammo i guarantee i would not be where i am right now. 能显然远不及当初强悍。不管怎样,它是独一无二且精妙绝伦
take care of her will ya. ill try and clear out the few i can with the remaining
18 rounds i found in here. good luck 陌生人,不管你是谁,你现在就是她的新主人了。照顾好她, 好吗。我会试着用我仅剩的18发子弹殊死一搏…祝你也祝我好 运。 原址预览图: