发表于 2024-9-14 02:00:18
评测 “Dark Souls 3's incredible world and awe-inspiring weapon arts make it the fiercest installment yet.” 9.5/10 – IGN “Sprawling level design, thrilling combat, and masterful indirect storytelling make Dark Souls 3 the best Dark Souls yet.” 94% – PC Gamer “Dark Souls III successfully replicates the winning formula of the Souls series, a wondrous combination of majestic boss battles, incredible layered environments full of secrets, and precise combat that can make other action RPGs difficult to play once you’ve mastered the art.” 9.25/10 – Game Informer 关于这款游戏 ─赢得gamescom 2015 ""Best RPG"" 奖项,以及于2015 E3展获得超过35项奖项及提名─ DARK SOULS? III为即将推出,极具话题性及代表性的系列新作。 当火渐熄,世界趋于毁灭,您将再踏上面临更多磨难、大量敌人与难关的旅途。玩家将沉浸在史诗氛围的世界之中,感受更快速的游玩节奏与棘手的战斗强度带来的黑暗气息。不论新手或是老玩家,都将因著名的游戏体验、实境般的游戏画面为之着迷。 如今仅剩余火尚存……作好准备,再次拥抱黑暗! |