发表于 2022-5-31 22:22:38
You got grumpy about a reply posted almost two years ago, pointed to thread that was active about 5 years ago.
Ron most certainly did read the question. The answer was given in the thread: there is no direct solution, because the real problem is save file corruption. That was explained in the thread Ron linked. In last post that was available at the time he posted the link back in 2018.
Fos.tmp are backup files. Game attempts to make them, when it detects potentially corrupted save files
If backup was successful, then removing .tmp extension from related save file should allow you to load the save.
The original problem still remains. Something is causing save fie corruption and that needs to be fixed, before you continue playing the game. Reasons are more likely in user's own computer, though attempting to use wrong form version plugins will also corrupt save files.
TL;DR There is no ingame fix for fos.tmp files. It is a user end problem, where something is corrupting save files for the game. Game will never load any corrupted save files and attempts to parse the save data to fos.temp files instead. What ever is wrong is either in user's own system, or they have somehow managed to load plugins with incompatible Form version.
Generally about corrupted save files:
People with crashing saves often call them them as "corrupted", which they are not. Game would warn about it and refuse to load file that is detected corrupted. Script issues in Papyrus have nothing to do with save file corruption as such. The outcome may be same and save file should be discarded, but game doesn't slap a big green notice on loading screen over Papyrus issues. It does, if save file is actually detected as corrupted.
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