发表于 2023-4-29 13:13:37
; Setting some of these values to 0 can break the simulation
; 将其中一些值设置为0可能会破坏模拟
; stiffness | Linear spring stiffness (more is less stiff) 初次摇晃强度(值越大摇的越大)
; stifness2 | Quadratic Spring stiffness (more is less stiff)二次回弹强度(值越大摇的越小)
; damping | Velocity removed/tick, 1.0 would be all velocity removed回弹速率 1.0则会关闭回弹
; timetick | Time Quanta for the physics in ms物理运动时间 单位:毫秒
; | timetick 4 means that a 16ms frame would be broken down into 4 4ms steps简单来说就是单帧内的处理次数(设置为4ms则表示一个16ms的帧会被分成4个4ms的;PS:辐射4原版是锁60帧的,也就是一帧约等于16ms)
; maxOffset | Maximum offset for each axis (gravityCorrection ignored)每个方向上的最大偏移量(忽略重力校正)
; linear | Scale of the motion in X/Y/Z线性运动强度
; | X side to side X轴是左右晃动
; | Y is front to back Y轴是前后晃动
; | Z up and down Z轴是上下晃动
; rotational | Scale of the bones rotation around an axis 骨骼绕轴旋转的比例
; | X rotation around the Y axis; left to right "barrel roll" swing 绕Y轴的X旋转
; | Y rotation around the Z axis; left to right door swing 绕Y轴的Z旋转
; | Z rotation around the X axis; down and up "flip" Swing 绕Z轴的X旋转
; timeStep时间步进 |This is deltaT in the physics calculation, it lets you slow time 这是物理计算中的ΔT,它可以让你放慢时间(说白了就是晃动的快慢)
; | in effect if you increase the spring forces it 实际上,如果你增加回弹力度,它会改变回弹力度和动量的耦合,这不能是负数或0,游戏可能会崩溃
; | changes the coupling of Spring force and momentum
; | This cannot be negative or 0, game will probably crash.
; cogOffset | The ammount that the "center of gravity" is of the bone root, 重力补偿
; | changes how rotation will impact motion 更改重力对运动的影响,影响相对迟钝,没有衡量这个的物理单位
; | Skyrim units are obtuse to say the least, there is no physical equivalent
; gravityBias | This is in effect the gravity coefficient, 这实际上是重力系数,
; | it's a constant force acting down * the mass of the object这玩意就是用来模拟胸部/腹部/臀部重量的,值太大的话会导致下垂,自行斟酌大小并修改
; | it will cause the breats to sag from where it was modelled,
; | if you don't want that use the correction to counteract the force
; gravityCorrection | Set amount to move the target point up to counteract重力校正
; | the neutral effect of gravityBias
; rotateLinear | Rotates the object's motion around the axis绕轴运动的线性渐变量
; absRotX | Experimental setting, rotationalX is based from absolute value of motion实验性设置,旋转X基于运动的绝对值
; Tuning.rate | reload this configuration per number of ticks; 0 is off
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