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本帖最后由 pow1234 于 2020-9-18 18:14 编辑
HUD - Background Shader Remover 1.0
I made this mod mostly to get rid of the shader misalignment generated by rotating UI elements. It turns out pretty well synergized with some UI presets on nexus. Anyway, it is a mesh replacer, grab the file and install as normal.
Work with Vanilla as well as most UI mods (DEF_ui, Horizon, HUDframework etc.)
Tested on 16:9 and 4:3 should work for other resolution as well.
Not compatible with mods editing the same file.
a patch for True9 is provided under optional.
只在 16:9 4:3 分辨率下测试过OK 其他分辨率自行测试是或兼容。