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本帖最后由 M王大陆丶 于 2019-12-5 15:24 编辑
首先申明:原MOD为外网作者发布与本人及论坛无关 转载行为是我个人行为与论坛无关
作者原文:Mod Description
Don't you hate it when you are playing with servos and you create one with the intent of being an actual robot with little to no expression? Well this mod removes the animations where the Servo Bot is idle and starts playing around with his arms or starts to act like as if he/she is doing the robot dance. This mod only changes so that instead of doing any sort of idling animation, The Servo Bot will instead just stand there like any sim would.
- This Mod is a Tuning mod on the Interaction/HumanoidRobot_Idle Instance.
- This Mod does not edit any mood the servo is in. This is purely an idle animation removal for those who don't want their Servo Bots to be so quirky when idling.
- This Mod does not conflict with any known mods.
你如果不喜欢你的机器人没事转胳膊 360度螺旋转身子 尤其是头部 那么这款MOD你一定要用.
应该适用最新的v1.58版本 需要大学DLC 有问题可以去原贴跟作者反馈
有问题请联系我删除 有爱自取 王大陆NB!