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使用方法为:解压全部文件,逐一(注意是“逐一”!)放置进在 Mods下的、专门建立的、名为 Overrides 的文件夹内运行测试,感觉满意就保留,不满意再换再试。首推"TS16"。如果效果好,则可以尝试更快的反应时长如TS8甚至TS4,如果是硬件配置古旧或者C盘健康度不佳而在以TS16为标杆的检验中感觉延迟仍然很高,那么我恐怕你就得升级硬件(内存和CPU或硬盘-读取速率高的硬盘首推SSD/16G内存是肯定不足够的了我建议至少32G内存---家里有米的话64G或者128G最好)了,或者尝试TS32或者更高延迟标准的MOD选择。
关于游戏中人物呆滞的原因:两个原因,第一,家中和社区路过的人物多,比如家中8人,那么就有8个自主愿望不断诞生的中心,更别提屋外的街道上还有几十人在动作中 (所以一般情况下我在 MC Manage center 中把激活的总人口设定为20人甚至更少以减轻压力)。第二,家中可互动的对象物品极多,包括随身携带的物品和家中陈设的物品,它们均可被互动成为互动对象,则家中8人中的每个人都针对所有可互动对象物品产生愿望并彼此冲突而重新计算互动可能性进而产生新的互动行为,因而导致过多愿望与过多物品间的天文数字级别的运算,这些过多的可被互动的物品造成运算的极大负担。但是我要是建议你精简物品的话你可能不情愿,其实我也是。因此,造个密室并设置门为仅自己可用然后把不用的随身物品放进密室是个较好的解决办法 :) 至于主要的后宫(你自己的居所)的人数,唉,8人其实都是不够的,娱乐设施的数量也是永远不嫌多的,我理解。因此我们强烈依赖这个MOD。
提取码: a59c
适用1.71以上版的反呆滞提速MOD,游戏默认值为其中的“TS33(DEFAULT)",你当然可试用全部直到你找到适合你的那个提速标准的提速文件,每个人的系统健康程度不同,硬件条件也不同。为方便起见,直接置于mod文件夹下以避免任何不必要的麻烦,当然建议之后为它专门建一个文件夹,这个专门的文件夹请命名为 Overrides ,据作者本人介绍,当这个你选中的提速MOD放置于这个名称(优先劫持的意思)的文件夹内,则它在与其他文件同时应用游戏的 XML 文件时拥有优先权。(其实嘛,放置于MODS下已经足够好使了,已经拥有了加载的优先权,但是既然他这么说那咱们就照办)所有已知旧版本的、其他机制的反延迟提速MOD均已失效,需删除。
一般来说,TS16版本就类似于过去大家一直使用的将33提速一半到17的效果,我猜应该适用于大多数人,如果你的系统盘健康状况极佳或硬件条件极为奢侈,那么可试用TS8,再提速一倍。总之,请自己测试哪一个提速标准最适合你的电脑。这套机制是通过应用MC(Manage center 游戏必备的最基本的功能性Mod)来设定游戏时钟并与你选择的提速文件搭配。但是我猜绝大多数人懒得去计算这套搭配的数值,所以您就直接上TS16吧,省事。如果你有兴趣研究这套时钟搭配请阅读以下作者自述。
作者 coolspear
Yep, I've now tried my hand at one of these bad boys. I'll say now from the off, there will never be a perfect one of these mods???by anyone, not even a final fix by Maxis, purely due to the unbalanced nature of the game mechanics that control sim auto?nomy pushes. (More on that in a minute) So then, this mod is not the perfect fix either, but it does come at the age old autonomy lag, lock ups and hold ups agony with a new approach, that I can happily - and proudly - say works better in my game than anything else I've tried before. (Given that most of the older versions of this mod never worked for me at all, that's not really saying much.? ?But please read on.)
Simmythesim?made one of the most popular versions, which several modders on MTS?have maintained over the years?after he abandoned it. Each in turn doing their own abandonment of it. Though it is still being maintained by members via?forum post on the last official MTS mod upload thread made for it.
I have tried every version of it released from the original, to?all who have taken over the project, and it had never worked for me, no noticeable changes in game, but for the?helpful MTS member who updated it when Maxis changed their python system.?That was when it did start to work for me, because that is when I first put it inside my Overrides Folder. Don't know why I did not think??of doing that before with all the other failed attempts, but glad I did finally think of it so I could, at last, see the benefits this mod had long since been providing players. Huge benefits, and, sadly one huge and?terrible?downside. Can't have your cake and eat it, no, sir.?Where the mod certainly made sims move quicker autonomously from an idle,?non-engaged state, and - my god -?made my sim practically jump to every one of my commands, so fast and responsive?it made my eyes well up just to finally experience the joy of being free from almost four years of?Maxis simulation lag misery. Yet the thrill could not last,?as a terrific downside also showed its hand. That sims in a pre-engaged state of interaction,?meaning they were involved in interactions that have several animation parts, such as eating, drinking, playing chess, cleaning dishes, were now totally fucked in a state of lag I thought could only be seen in a horror movie. I had read reports from other users regarding this, but to see it with your own?eyes. And have that great moment of your sim being so responsive,?you've waited years to see if it was ever going to be possible again,?only to?be snatched away within seconds by a new form of lag created by Lucifer himself. Fuck! FUCK!!! Irony, irony. Fuck!
I won't bore you with the technical details... No, actually, I will. Go grab yourself a hot cocoa and get comfy in your chair,?'cause there's a story coming.
All previous versions of the mod concentrated on editing the Time Slice value. Typically reducing it by half the default value, going down?from 33 to 17. In the notion that the game will push autonomy twice as fast. Yep, that kinda works. But no, because it runs into the big Maxis booboo every time.
On another XML, there is this innocent looking line of code that?is actually the most potent form of influence over the two main types of sim autonomy in the game, and is the very reason why things can go so, so bad even though some things can be so, so good.? "FULL_AUTONOMY_?STATISTIC_SCORE_VARIANCE" is the command code, and 0.51 is the default value set by Maxis.
When??the game first shipped, that value?was set at 0.49. So that, my friends, is all?the work Maxis have done to reduce simulation autonomy lag all this time. Nice to know they've tried though, eh? So then, those two forms of sim autonomy. First, when they are standing idle, non-engaged, just waiting for the push to do something, anything. Second, pre-engaged, in an interaction with multiple parts, each step needing autonomy confirmation before proceeding to next step.?Is there more??to drink in the glass? Is there another move to make on the chess table. Is there another dish to collect while cleaning. All needing autonomy confirmation what to do next. When altering that unique 0.51 number?up or down, the lower you go, the more the sims get quicker pushes to move from non-engaged idling, but?the repeat autonomy for doing things like dishes starts to suffer terribly. So much so it could end up taking several hours between grabbing each plate. Conversel?y, going in the other direction with a higher value, and standing sims just won't move off the spot at all for?the day, and sims playing things like chess become so?fast their hands become a blur as they play. When altering the Time Slice value from 33 to 17, you are effectively doing nothing more that reducing the 0.51 to about half behind the scenes. That's it. That's all. That's why previous iterations of this mod have given you such fantastically brilliant results with?individual sim control it brought tears to your eyes, yet crippled the poor bastards?when they tried to do the dishes.?In a nutshell.
Getting the balance right for that 0.51 value is like playing with hot and cold shower taps trying to get the perfect temperature water to clean yourself,?but never getting it. And the sim lag mods on offer thus far, kind of like while you're in the shower with your non-perfect water, someone goes in the toilet, takes a dump, then uses the flush, and you're now jumping out of your skin?with the sudden, freezing torrent of shower water, even though the big smelly dump in the loo was flushed away perfectly. A perfect result on one end, a ho?rrific result on the other, all while crashing in on a system that had a rotten imbalance to begin with. (What is it with people, always using toilet analogies and toilet humour to explain things?? ?He'll be talking about things in terms of farts next!!!)
In the perfect world, Maxis should have separated those two main autonomy??types into two individual channels. (No simulation lag at all if that were so) Not have them as a conjoined, single?channel you have to fiddle with like a faulty old shower that will never work right. Like a really bad safe-cracker twiddling the dial this way and that and never clicking home.?
But??if this mod is going to evolve?to have more success, and less adverse effects for?twiddling with the blasted taps,??then?someone is going?to have to find a way to make two separate autonomy channels, or as near as damn it. Well, even Maxis aren't doing that, and they have all the right tools.
So as an alternative, or as near as damn it, I've come up with something along those lines to try and free up each?autonomy channel from cursing the other for meddling with either - especially the chess/dishes/drinking type?- from being locked into agonizing, doomed timeframes for setting the Time Slice low enough to have brilliant, responsive?sim command control yet cannot finish washing dishes to save their life. Literally!
Rather than leave 0.51 as the single, governing?value, that is a total lock-down, inescapable Alcatraz fucker when you're on the wrong side of the Time Slice, I've set it as a lower value now paired with?a higher value. In essence a second, higher?value for a trapped sim - their auto?nomy -?to go to rather than be stuck. Plus plenty of scope for a random selection of a better?value between the lowest and highest, so as not even starting dead, bang on a?shitty, locked value every fucking time. And always the chance to accelerate off the poor starting value toward the higher value if that is where the game randomly began the autonomy push for the sim.
So I'm go to summarize now, (The cocoa's getting cold an?d the once comfy chair now biting into my butt.) by repeating this is not the perfect solution as the randomness for the low number is still there.?But since making this unique edit and testing the outcomes in game, I am very happy with the??results, and so, so thrilled to see my sims moving there asses more quickly here, there and everywhere than seen before in the only other version that?partly?worked for me just before the turn of the New Year.
Slice??values. So I have made a selection here to choose from, to see which one works best in your game. My favourite is the Time Slice set to 8. Something that would have been agonising in previous versions of the mod when it came to doing things like dishes, but not a permanent, guaranteed issue seen with these versions. It can be a starting point occasionally, but it does not end that way, not stuck that way.
Also good news, the mod??is not a Script Mod but a Tuning Mod, and will be very easy to maintain if and when patches change it. That's why I'm comfortable making so many versions. I know the significance of this?mod when it works just right in the game, how important it beco?mes to a player to feel free from?most of that simulation lag,?so I'm happy to make several versions, so you can find the right fit for your game. But there is one caveat. I don't ask nor recommend this, I demand it. That you place this mod in the Overrides Folder and nowhere else. If you come back to me and say this mod does nothing in your game,?and?I ask is it in the Overrides Folder, and you say no, that's the end of that conversation right there. The Overrides Folder is where this mod first revealed its magic potential to me, after years of never working at all in normal mods fo?lder, and I will accept nothing else from here on in.?If you need to know more about an?Overrides Folder, see this link -?http://simsasylum.com/tfm/index. ... depth-for-folders/?
Almost forgot. The mod also has the same fix other versions have for the time speed borkiness. I don't particularly care about this issue???????. What I mean is, I care that Maxis have neglected to fix it in frikken years. But I don't use high speeds???in my game that much for the glitch to bother me. But I know it does bother many players so I added it here too.? I don't know who first made that high speed fix mod. But whoever did, all credit goes to them, I had no part in?making it. Just attaching it her?e with the?quicker autonomy mod.
The "Time Slice 33" mod is default speeds for autonomy pushes, but it does contain the unique stuff I did to the 0.51 value to still make autonomy more balanced across the two main autonomy types.?Also a Time Slice 64, as going the other way and doubling the autonomy push time while still smoothing it and reducing it in the 0.51 value might work wonders for some players.?Try them all one at a time, see whic?h one fits yo?ur game set up, play style and such things as altered world time speeds from mods like?MC. Only use one version in your ga?me.
Optional???Add On? - Fun Is Actually?More Important Than You Think
The first mod here is great for when you command a sim to do something, they get to it almost immediately. And it's been tweaked to help balance the difference between the two autonomy times to avoid sims being caught up in the lag I mentioned. But what it does not do, is push a contented sim to do stuff. Sims can and will sit or stand around for a great deal of time, doing nothing, if their motives are all pretty high and they have no need to do anything. They seem content to do this, waiting for the time one of the??six or seven Motive XMLs (Depending on occult type and whatnot.) hits upon a blithering,?milquetoast value that says?now go do something, m?aybe, if you feel like it, maybe, perhaps, I dunno, it's up to you.?We all know about Motive Fail, when it hits rock bottom and the game forces the?sim to drop all other things and tend to the critical motive. But during the higher levels of the motive bar, there are only slight pushes to do stuff, if any at all. And many long gaps in between the pushes, as if to almost suggest to the sim? -?"it's okay to lollygag and be idle for hours on end, there's no immediate rush, I'l let you know when you really need to go eat, so until then just take it easy on your ass and enjoy the view."
beg????to differ - you know I do. I don't play the game to watch you sit around taking it easy because nothin's doing. I'm doing???, si?m! Which means you should be doing, too! And with this add on, boy will they be doing. Doing, doing, doing. Because the Fun Motive?has been given a lot more importance, and the extra intervals of?higher importance pushed?a lot more often. The Fun Motive will continue to decrease?at the same default rate, I do not force it to go down faster. That would have adverse effects during several scenarios, such as sleeping, or going to work in rabbit hole jobs. The method here is to put a??lot more pushes on the increments of decay, so not a few minutes can go by, not too much of a drop in Fun, before it hits another "GO DO SOMETHING FUN,?IT'S ACTALLY IMPORTANT!" trigger. And they will. But don't worry, it does not tie into any buffs that makes??a sim anxious if they do not tend to this elevated pushing. They'll do it because it simply tells them to, not because?they should be afraid or anxious if they don't.
You may even find yourself wanting to turn autonomy off for a wh?ile - ironic, after all this time wanting it to be fixed!!! You'll certainly be wanting to lock?doors to some fun items now the sims?are going to be jumping round the house using them often. Especially if they are some of the things I'?ve modded to be more autonomous. Geez, I even had to hide the Void Critter game from them. Tell me, when did you??l?ast see a sim use that autonomously? Now I'm hiding it from them!?(I think I need to upload the version that has the autonomous pushes to use it.) From one extreme to the next, why can't life be more balanced?
Due??to??the nature of the hard-hitting fun pushes, they may be a bit neglectful in taking care of other motives. Not always, depending on what fun things they keep lining up for themselves. So just keep an eye on them and tell them to go take care of other motives if you think they should. I mean they will always, always?autonomously take care of a motive once it goes into the red. But just don't let th?em play around so much that all o?ther motives creep into the red, then it's hell?to pay trying to tend to them all at once. I should imagine most players who enjoy autonomy switched on, are still very hands-on, to tell their sims to do something when it?partially?needs doing anyway, rather than let it slip into the red every time, so it'll be second nature to you.?Only this time it will usually be to tell them to stop doing something, rather than tell them to move off the same spot they've been contentedly lollygagging?in for seve?ral hours.? ?
Feedback on this one will be helpful. If most folks think it's set too high and want to go back to sims being a bit more catatonic, we can try that.?"How I miss the old days when sims did nothing for long periods of time..."?I give it a few months and someone will be asking for that.? Never underestimate the power of nostalgia.