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幻想の喵 | 幻想の领主 | SKYの领主

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发表于 2019-2-28 18:09:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 nyaco 于 2019-3-5 18:01 编辑

2019年3月4日 GMT+8 下午12:11
  • halved the effect of earthquake projectiles on tiles
  • Mech Tablet is now given in the mech test mission in a crate near the start, along with fuel.
  • Adjusted text in the Mech Test mission to more clearly inform on how to use the mech fueling and flight mode.
  • fixed a Trading exploit via the Kirhos Shop at the Science Outpost using Chemical and Luxury goods. All trade goods are at least 200 pixels base price now.
  • Blister Armor should no longer cause annoying crashes when removed.
  • the Science Outpost Kirhosi shop now sells lore codexes
  • Quasar Honey now grants +15% to all stats for 120s, rather than 30% for 60s. It was vastly over-performing.
  • Magma Cookies should no longer cause crashes due to missing status effect
  • Science Outpost has new music
  • Added numerous new Tenant options, including Villager types for all included races
  • Nightar villages will now appear on Penumbral biomes

2019年2月26日 GMT+8 上午1:31
  • NPCs should no longer attack each other when they shouldnt.

2019年2月26日 GMT+8 上午12:05
  • added additional mech fuel types
  • Moved the mech fuel data, fuel type data and mech horn energy increase data for the mech fuel interface to json tables in the interfaces config file (hubnester)
  • Fixed a crash that sometimes occured if you had the Fuel interface open and warped somewhere (hubnester)
  • added Irradiumfurniture set (Shinigami Apples)
  • added Xithricite furniture set (Shinigami Apples)
  • added Lunari furniture set (Shinigami Apples)
  • Geologist Crew should properly unlock (TuckerFlynn)
  • fixes image ids for peach and pear pies (sentient cookie)
  • adds Orphan Paste, the tastiest delicacy a Floran could ever want. (sentient cookie)
  • added assets from Racial Kitchen Counters and Racial Shop Counters (Sentient Cookie, AsPerrUsual)
  • Adds a configurable, single-ore detector at the tinkering table. Shift+click to configure, then place ore in the slot (also accepts bars/rods/...). Higher-tier ores require upgrades.
  • Known bug: if two single-ore detectors are held at the same time, configuration will always apply to the one in the left hand slot.
  • adds High-Tech Security Gate, unlocked by Hazard Blocks and crafted at tier 2 workbench (3x5 tiles) (TuckerFlynn)
  • vanilla 4framedoor.animation modified to support fullbright layer; called 4frameglowdoor.animation (TuckerFlynn)
  • vanilla door.lua modified to support alternative closing and closed animations (locking and locked) when the door has a wire connected to its input; called lockdoor.lua (TuckerFlynn)

2019年2月17日 GMT+8 下午12:49
  • Burger Fool crash fixed.
  • Densinium X helm stats corrected
  • added assets from Racial Kitchen Counters and Racial Shop Counters (Sentient Cookie, AsPerrUsual)

2019年2月17日 GMT+8 上午3:31
  • mech tablet fix

2019年2月16日 GMT+8 下午9:13
  • replaced old pump code at request of original author Nirusu/Mus_niro ( sayter/kherae )
  • Recoded pumps. a lot. The output nodes have changed. Inputs are binary: if they can output, including wired input, they will output 'on', otherwise it's off. Outputs will output 'on' for 1 second after the last received liquid. May have effect on DF and other missions if they were used as switches (Kherae)
  • Makes the following dyeable: Field Generator, Fallen Angel Wings, Fire Angel Wings, Icarus Wings, Erchius Buddy (loudwhitenoise)
  • removed pressurized pumps
  • Raw Pests and Raw Lobsters can be used to feed carnivorous farm animals
  • Status Screen image added for Mantizi
  • Status Screen immunities are more clear
  • Phase armor is now immune to lightning storms, and has a higher damage modifier. As a consequence it loses some defense.
  • adjusted Phase armor appearance
  • War Angel set bonus has been reworked to make a more even spread between the t7 sets.
  • War Angel recipe adjusted
  • Densinium armor set bonus has been reworked
  • Densinium armor recipe adjusted
  • removed Core Lava interactions (hubnester)
  • Precursor duplicator is a little more forgiving while duplicating stuff, just a little, at the cost of no chance for 2 additional items. Overall, a somewhat higher chance per craft for more. (Kherae)
  • adjusted Densinium Rifle damage. Fixed burst-fire delay issue, and increased burst by 1 shot. You also move slower when firing.
  • added assets from Frontier Expansion, Foodie's Furniture, and Prop Pack (Sentient Cookie, AsPerrUsual)
  • added objects from Shreddys' Blocks (Sentient Cookie, Shreddys)
  • Makes it so that if you hit the bottom of the ship world you get warped to the top of the place you're orbiting (has a 10 second timer between trys to lower log spam when above Nowhere) (hubnester)
  • Note: for some reason you don't get fall damage when you hit the ground after this happens
  • Fixes BYOS thrusters not applying their ship stats (ones placed while this was an issue should apply their stats after this fix without needing to break them) (hubnester)
  • BYOS only objects now say that they are in their descriptions (hubnester)
  • Made the non-decorative broken small ftl drive not function as a normal small ftl drive (hubnester)
  • Mentioned that crew beds count as deeds in their description (hubnester)
  • Made BYOS only and ship only objects place-able anywhere, though they are non-functional if placed in places they couldn't be placed before (hubnester)
  • Made the craftable SAILs not open the SAIL interface if they aren't on a ship (hubnester)
  • Removed the ship object recipe unlocks from the machining table and upgrades (hubnester)
  • Added recipe unlocks for all the recipes in the Ship Component Assembler that was missing them (except researchstation) (hubnester)
  • Made the BYOS fuel efficiency modification functional (hubnester)
  • Made the Fuel Purifier obtainable (increase fuel efficiency) (hubnester)
  • added an FU version of FDAVILOKA's Mech Overhaul. This changes the way Mechs work, and they are a far more useful tool for exploration now:
  • Mechs now have separate Health and Energy[Fuel] bars
  • Mech Fuel - mechs now require FUEL to operate. They take many things as fuel, which will be made obvious by the Mech Fuel interface. Fuel will fill your energy. This energy lasts a lot longer than you are used to.
  • added Mech Tablet to deal with mech setup and fuel addition. You can also access the mech fuel menu via Quickslots if using that mod
  • Double-Tapping [UP] will activate free-flight mode in your mech when on land. This allows you to fly around in your mech and explore!
  • Mech Regen is removed completely
  • Mech Repair Guns only heal Health,not Health and Energy
  • Mech Health is determined by the following formula: 50 * (total mech mass + Body Defense) * healthBonus
  • the healthBonus mentioned above varies on mech body. Average for low-tier mechs is between 500-600.
  • Mech Energy is determined by the following formula: 100 + Body Energy * energyBonus
  • the energyBonus mentioned above varies on mech body. Average for low-tier mechs is between 300-600.
  • NOTE: In testing so far, keeping your fuel UI open and then warping up or down to your ship seems to often cause fatal Stack Overflow crashes. Avoid doing this.
  • added Defense Field I , II, III, IV and V for mechs. Placing these in your horn slot increases your maximum mech health.
  • added Energy Field I , II, III, IV and V for mechs. Placing these in your horn slot increases your maximum mech energy.
  • Supports most popular Mech mods including Anvil, XS Modular and the XS weapon addon.
  • Gave lootboxes some added sound effects, as well as a chance for some additional rare loot.

2019年2月11日 GMT+8 下午11:38
  • Diamond Lantern can now be dyed. (loudwhitenoise)
  • Cellular Armour can now be dyed. (loudwhitenoise)
  • Boiler backpack should properly apply its 12% Ice resistance
  • fixed an issue where Radiation, Heat and Cold protections were providing immunity to effects beyond their tier. Lesser-level cold, rad and heat immunity no longer block Deadly level.
  • Shield bonuses for Health, Energy, Crit, Stun and Shieldbash values now properly apply all the time, rather than only when the shield is raised. This should make Bash much more reliable as well as make the health bonus actually useful.
  • all races should have equal chance to spawn as crew via crew contracts
  • adds new variants for the BYOS SAIL. One with, and one without, pets. Choose your preference! By default you will have a pet.
  • added several new plants by Mr.Pigeon
  • added 'upgradeableWeapon' tag to all statted vanilla armors, just so that they have the same options set-bonus FU suits do
  • Reduced Veluu Riot Gun damage
  • started on the task of reworking the armour set bonus system. Previously, each armour set had two .statuseffect files and two .lua files associated with it. I have attempted to abstract as much of the Lua as possible so that each set bonus can be defined with a single .statuseffect file.
  • To do this, every (reworked) FU set now adds the stat fusetbonusmanager (which runs the SetBonusManager.lua script). This reads a config file linking set bonus 'count' stats to the bonus status effects, and applies/removes them as appropriate.
  • Removed BYOS objects from the machining table and it's upgrades (except the small FTL drive, warp manifold and racialiser)
  • Removed the unique id from the fu_sciencetechstation and tw_hylotltechstation and renamed them to Science S.A.I.L. Interface and S.A.I.L. Interface
  • Fixed the issue where tw_hylotltechstation was pointing to the wrong location for the scripted SAIL interface
  • Moved some of the the ship component assembler recipes around and changed the category of a few
  • Removed the unique Id from the BYOS techstation (gets given one when spawned during bootup and loses it if broken)
  • Added a recipe for the non-decorative BYOS techstation (only difference from the decorative one is that this one comes with a pet (check object description to see which is which))
  • Made it so that the BYOS techstation will spawn a pet even if you have a mod like purchasable pets
  • Made it so that the SAIL speech after bootup should occur on BYOS ships (and it doesn't cause issues with avali this time)
  • Makes it so that the racialiser sets a parameter to the object it was racialised to
  • Made the second mantizi in the racialiser race info 'fumantizi' and fixed it's ship pet
  • Overhauls the pet house interface
  • Made it so that captured ship pets do not emit capture particles unless set to do so in the monstertype file (to make it so that you can capture them even if their animation file hasn't been patched)
  • Made it so that captured ship pets save their ship pet stats when recalled
  • Made it so that you can despawn a pet houses ship pet using wiring
  • Made it so that pets are interactable on a timer instead of never
  • If you are using Pandoras Box with the above changes to pets then you will need https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/1649356046 to make the pet house changes work properly until the next Pandoras Box update


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