发表于 2022-2-3 22:58:21
安装 buffout4 和 baka scrapheap两个插件。
并且修改Buffout4.toml :
ActorIsHostileToActor = true # Fixes a crash when invoking Actor.IsHostileToActor with a none form
CellInit = true # Fixes a crash where a form does not get converted to a form pointer on unloaded cells
EncounterZoneReset = true # Fixes encounter zones resetting immediately once you leave them on foot
GreyMovies = true # Fixes a bug where movies that don't define "BackgroundAlpha" on their movie root could load with a grey background
MagicEffectApplyEvent = true # Fixes a crash when magic effect apply events are dispatched on null references
MovementPlanner = true # Fixes a bug where the the movement planner crashes with non-actors
PackageAllocateLocation = true # Fixes a crash when allocating the location for a package
SafeExit = true # Fixes crashes related to exiting the game that can be caused erroneously by F4SE plugin hooks
UnalignedLoad = true # Fixes a crash related to SIMD intrinsics with an aligned move on unaligned memory
UtilityShader = true # Fixes a crash when a shader can't be found for a given technique id
Achievements = true # Enables achievements on modded saves
BSMTAManager = true # General rendering performance improvement
BSPreCulledObjects = true # General rendering performance improvement
BSTextureStreamerLocalHeap = false # Replaces the texture streamer's local heap with os allocators
HavokMemorySystem = false # Replaces the havok memory system with os allocators
INISettingCollection = true # Massively improves startup times for large load orders by optimizing ini setting loading
InputSwitch = false # Automatically swaps inputs between kb+m/controller
MaxStdIO = -1 # Replaces the maximum stdio handles
MemoryManager = false # Replaces the global memory manager with os allocators
MemoryManagerDebug = false # Enables debug tracing to determine faulting modules
ScaleformAllocator = true # Replaces the scaleform memory allocator with os allocators
SmallBlockAllocator = false # Replaces the small block memory allocators with os allocators
WorkshopMenu = true # Alleviates lag while opening the workshop menu
CreateTexture2D = true # Warns when a call to CreateTexture2D fails
ImageSpaceAdapter = true # Warns on bad IMAD definitions which will corrupt your memory and crash your game
F4EE = true # 1.6.20 - Patches various LooksMenu bugs