... e-beta-version-wip/
This mod is a light-hearted treatment of an evil experiment by Vault-Tec that has resurfaced in the Commonwealth. Humans are turning into hucows, more concerned with sex, eating, and getting milked than telling you about how well the ghouls at The Slog are doing. Something has to be done before Preston Garvey can hand you another damn quest!
未授权分享链接:通过网盘分享的文件:Human Cattle V1.21.0
链接: [url=通过网盘分享的文件:Human Cattle V1.21.0 链接: 提取码: dgvc --来自百度网盘超级会员v7的分享]通过网盘分享的文件:Human Cattle V1.21.0 链接: 提取码: dgvc --来自百度网盘超级会员v7的分享[/url]